A permanent school on Wentworth Park has been ruled out by the NSW government as it looks for alternatives to replace the soon to be defunct dog track on the lucrative inner-city site.
The park, in the rapidly densifying Glebe and Pyrmont area, could instead simply be converted into more open space, following the decision to ban greyhound racing in the state.

Janine Barrett with her son Fred outside Ultimo Public School. Photo: James Brickwood
"They will not be for high rise," said the Premier, Mike Baird. "I will be very clear on that."
"We will engage with the community to determine whether they can be used for open space, sporting facilities, or general community use," Mr Baird said.
The Wentworth Park site, once a malodorous swamp, has been set aside as public land in Sydney since the Blackwattle Bay Land Reclamation Act of 1873.

NSW Premier Mike Baird and Deputy Premier Troy Grant with Steve Coleman, CEO of RSPCA NSW Photo: Peter Rae
But the steady population increase in the inner city in recent years has led to growing pressure on open space, particularly for land that could be used for school students. Enrolments in schools in the area have grown by more than 13 per cent since 2012 – nearly 3.5 times the state average.
In response, students from neighbouring Ultimo Public School, which is to be demolished and rebuilt as a multi-storey school, are set to move into the park area in demountable buildings for about three years.
On Thursday, NSW Education Minister Adrian Piccoli ruled out a permanent school on the site.
A spokesman said the department will proceed with plans to utilise part of Wentworth Park for a temporary school while the Ultimo Public School site is redeveloped.
The government's decision was a disappointment to Janine Barrett from the Ultimo Public School P&C, who urged the government to reconsider using demountables.
"I think that given the situation that we are in which is something we have protested, the possibility of moving the school onto Wentworth park is extremely appealing," said Ms Barrett.
She said building a permanent school on the greyhound track would mean that students could stay in the current school while contamination levels were assessed and a new school was built.
"This is an awesome possibility if the department will just stop and look at it for a moment. We're imminently facing the prospect of putting children into demountable buildings on the park for three years," she said. Â

But the former chairman of the Wentworth Park Sporting Complex Trust, Ted McKeown, said he favoured converting the entire area to parkland.
"The ideal long-term solution would be to get rid of that huge hideous grandstand and perhaps build a more modest grandstand and just make it an oval," said Mr McKeown, who is also the president of the local Glebe Society.
Mr McKeown, a retired solicitor, said he would resist any push to build an indoor sporting complex at the site. The state government is looking to build an indoor sports complex in the inner city, after it demolished the Entertainment Centre and failed to replace it with a venue that could host sports like basketball.
"Stiff shit," said Mr McKeown.
"It would be a stupid idea to build a stadium on that site," he said. "Imagine 14,000 people getting in and out of that site.... there is no public transport apart from a tram."
Lord Mayor Clover Moore also appeared to favour open parkland.
"Finally the government has put an end to this cruel and bloodthirsty sport," Cr Moore said.
"Now it's time to return Wentworth Park to the City of Sydney as urgently needed open space."
with James Robertson