The frequency of major flood events along Australia's eastern seaboard is increasing, with climate change one of the possible factors, senior Bureau of Meteorology researchers say.
The report, published in the bureau's inaugural edition of the Journal of Southern Hemisphere Earth Systems Science, comes as eastern Australia braces for the second east coast low in as many weeks, with the potential for localised flooding including in the Sydney region.

Flood waters near Dungog in the Hunter Valley last year. Photo: Daniel Munoz
The Bureau of Meteorology issued a flood watch on Friday afternoon, identifying a greater than 70 per cent chance of flooding in nine river valleys in NSWÂ from Sunday onwards.
Most of nine are expected to have minor flooding although the Nepean-Hawkesbury is among three catchments that may get moderate flooding.
Meteorologists say forecast models continue to disagree on the location and timing of the coming storm cell, which is expected to move offshore on Sunday.
"The low-pressure [system] is going to form somewhere over inland NSW and then migrate offshore," Tristan Meyers, a meteorologist with Weatherzone, said.
While it's still "tough to say" where the low will move seawards, it is currently looking likely to be off the southern coast of NSW, Mr Meyers said.
The bureau's rainfall charts also favour the state's south-east as most likely to cop the heaviest soaking. (See chart below of eight-day rainfall forecasts from Friday.)
For now, weather models are yet to settle on the area of most rain, although the north-east corner of the state all the way to Victoria will see widespread falls, Mohammed Nabi, a bureau forecaster said.
"It's highly dependent on where the low forms," Mr Nabi said, adding Sunday will be Sydney's wettest of the coming days with 20-40 mm expected. Saturday is likely to start with a morning shower before conditions clear.
"At the moment all of the guidance is pointing to the coastal areas north of Port Macquarie and south of Sydney receiving their heaviest rainfall on Saturday night and Sunday," Jane Golding, acting NSW Regional Director, said in a statement.
"Overall the higher rainfall totals are not expected to be as large or as widespread as the event we had in early June, however given the wet condition of the catchments in these areas there is a risk of riverine and flash flooding," she said.
Dam watch
With the eastern seaboard still largely sodden after record daily rainfall about two weeks ago, emergency services are standing by for possible flooding wherever the east coast low develops.
The NSW State Emergency Service will "keep a large watching brief over NSW", Becky Gollings, an SES spokeswoman, said. "Everyone's on alert."
For now, though the focus will be on the mid-north coast down to the Victorian border, especially the Illawarra region around Wollongong, Ms Golling said.
Authorities will also be watching for how much rain falls over Sydney's catchment region, with major dams close to full.

Warragamba dam last spilled over in August 2015 - and may again next week. Photo: Nick Moir
Flood risks will be elevated if the dams overflow at the same time that nearby rivers are swollen. On present forecasts, Sydney's catchments can expect about 50 mm of rain from the event, Mr Nabi said.
According to a statement from the SES, the flooding potential for the Nepean River alone means there is a high probability a range of facilities will be closed, including the Douglas Park Causeway at Douglas park, and the Macquarie Grove, Cowpasture and Menangle Road bridges. Properties on Sheathers Lane and Kirkham Lane may also become flooded.
Coastal regions will endure strong winds and dangerous surf conditions but the risk of a storm surge is less of a concern than two weeks ago, he said. Even so, some beaches remain vulnerable to further erosion.
Longer term trends
Researchers, such as Acacia Pepler from the University of NSW, predict east coast lows may become less common during the winter months as the planet warms. However, those that form near the coast, which bring the most damage from heavy rain and coastal erosion, may increase in frequency.
The new research from Scott Power and Jeff Callaghan indicates that major flood events are already on the increase.
Taking a 1500-kilometre stretch of eastern Australia from Brisbane down to Bega on the south coast of NSW, the two bureau researchers examined all the major floods since 1860.
Major floods were defined as those events which caused extensive flooding within 50 kilometres of the coast, or inundation that extended 20 kilometres along the coast, with at least two catchment areas involved.
As the chart below shows, the frequency of such events has roughly doubled to two a year over the past 150 years, with about half the increase since the end of the 19th century.
"There is a statistically significant increasing trend in major flood frequency over the full period," the authors wrote in their paper.
The range was also widespread, with "the overwhelming majority of sites in the study region [showing] increasing trends", including all but one of the sites closest to the coast.
The majority of the sites also revealed that the largest amount of daily rain received each year was increasing.
The researchers relied on rainfall and stream-flow data and also local newspaper reports to compile what they said was the most complete record of the region over time.
They attributed the trend to natural climate variability and "possibly" from human-induced climate change, adding that the anthropogenic influence was expected to be greater on the more extreme events.
Further research, though, would be needed to determine the extent of the human influence, the paper noted.
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