A beautiful autumn day in Canberra. Photo: Graham Tidy
 Was this Canberra's final hurrah before winter sets in?
The weekend might well have been the last time the capital sees the mercury surge past the 20-degree mark this autumn, with bight and sunny Sunday reaching a top of 21.1Â degrees.
There's still one more weekend to go in the season of falling leaves, but forecasts suggest there might be rain on the way with top temperatures in the teens in the coming week.
Rose Barr at the Bureau of Meteorology said two cold fronts would bring cooler weather and the chance of showers.
"We have got a couple of fairly significant cold fronts moving over the state for the next couple of days that should bring about a bit of a burst of cooler weather, heading towards wintry conditions," she said.
"Whether the temperature will rise [again] after those fronts is a bit iffy."
Ms Barr said temperatures should hover around the mid to low teens this week, dropping after the second "more vigorous" cold front on Thursday.
For anyone looking ahead to the ski season, she said the bureau saw a slight chance of snow above 1600 metres in the Snowy Mountains region on Monday.
Saturday, June 11, is the official opening date of the NSW ski season.
And with the end of autumn nearing, it's the last chance to get in your final entries for The Canberra Times' seasonal photo competition, before the winter competition kicks off.
The Canberra Times autumn photo competition is open until May 31. Readers are invited to send their best autumn photos in for the chance to win $1000 of prizes, as well as have their work published.
To enter, send a maximum of three photos to photocomp@canberratimes.com.au as attached JPEG files and include your name, address, phone number, photo title, a description of the photo and the date it was taken.
Photos must be at least 150 kilobytes and should not carry a watermark. Have a look at the other entries in the competition here.