Lord of the Rings meet Canberra Canberra Times Autumn photocomp. Photo: Elisabeth Barnett
Time to dig out the electric blanket - Canberra's temperatures are forecast to slip below freezing for the first time this year on Wednesday.
While Canberra's enjoyed summer's last lingering gasp for much longer than usual thanks to some unseasonal heat spells, winter is finally creeping in.
At -1 degrees, Weatherzone meteorologist Brett Dutschke said it would be the latest in the season that Canberra had cooled below zero degrees since May 31, 2007.
"It's mainly because we've had warmer than normal waters surrounding Australia that's meant that autumn has only been very cool to slow down," Mr Dutschke said.
"It looks like in the coming week we'll have a fair few chilly mornings. Even if it doesn't get below freezing any other morning in the next week, the wind is going to make it feel colder than most mornings have so far in the past month."
Canberra's tentative slide into the cooler months comes after residents endured their coldest winter in 15 years and wettest winter in 10 years last year.
To cap off the wintry Wednesday, rain clouds are expected to settle over the capital that evening into Thursday.
"It looks like two to five millimetres is likely although 10 to 15 is possible in the Brindabellas and the nearby ranges," Mr Dutschke said.
The drizzle will hang around Friday through to Saturday before the clouds part on Sunday.
But with the temperature tipped to fall to zero degrees on Sunday, Mr Dutschke said Canberrans should brace themselves for an onslaught of cooler mornings.
"There could be a couple of cold mornings next week," Mr Dutschke said.
"We've also got a couple of chilly days coming up next week, most notably Thursday and Saturday. When you factor in the wind chill a large chunk of those days will only feel like 10 degrees or colder."
The Canberra Times autumn photo competition is open until May 31. Readers are invited to send their best autumn photos in for the chance to win $1000 of prizes, as well as have their work published.
To enter, send a maximum of three photos to photocomp@canberratimes.com.au as attached JPEG files and include your name, address, phone number, photo title, a description of the photo and the date it was taken.
Photos must be at least 150 kilobytes and should not carry a watermark. Have a look at the other entries in the competition here.
Weatherzone is owned by Fairfax Media, publisher of this website.