About 40 per cent of rental households had children.
HIGH property prices and job uncertainty hasn’t dampened enthusiasm for homeownership with a new survey revealing it’s still the great Australian dream.
The survey of current renters, who do not own any property, has revealed most want to be living in their own home within five years.
Only about a quarter of those surveyed thought they would be living in the same rental property in five years time.
LJ Hooker head of research Mathew Tiller said while recent price growth made the market challenging for first home buyers many were still determined to buy.
About a fifth of the renters surveyed were on an income of more than $100,000 a year.
Head of property management Amy Sanderson said renting was not simply the choice of people who couldn’t afford to buy.
“There are many people (about 29 per cent) who choose to rent for lifestyle choices such as being close to friends, CBD shopping, restaurants or work,’’ she said.
Mr Miller said the higher income renters would probably be tenants renting in an area to be close to work.
“Those say in the mining or resource industries that do have higher incomes probably move to attend work and they have not bought a property yet,’’ he said.
“Also in general I think those that have looked at their lifestyle choice as well, those that want to stay in the suburbs where it is more expensive to buy.’’
The survey found while couples made up the majority of renters - 54 per cent, about 40 per cent of tenants had children.