Theories abounded on a special science edition of Q&A, from Einstein's old high-stakes hunches to more recent propositions and pre-occupations. But there was one hypothesis that didn't get a look in, so we are pleased to share it with you here.
The basic principle: when going highbrow with Hadron Colliders and other head-spinning wonders of the scientific world, most laboratory rats - or "TV viewers" if you prefer - have been shown to respond much more enthusiastically if the gravity gurus go easy on the ivory-tower gravitas. And on Monday night, Q&A delivered the proof, in the form of the American physicist Brian Greene, a man whose brainpower is self-evidently colossal but who can appear - especially if you watch him with the sound down - to be the world's foremost evangelist for the Hokey Pokey.Â
When Greene talks, he brings his body and soul to the endeavour - arms fly and fingers soar, pointing and prodding and embracing and emphasising and explaining. In short, he puts every bit of himself in and shakes it all about. The effect is infectious, and he was just one of several uber-brains on this Q&A panel gifted with that rare dual talent: combining scientific smarts with communication skills that erase the barrier between the layperson and the lofty boffin.

Pointing the way: Brian Greene interacts with Tony Jones. Photo: Screen grab: ABC
This ensured that Q&A managed something rather remarkable with its science special, especially given the density of the subject matter. It actually sizzled. It fizzed and popped and bubbled and sparked. It made science, and scientists, sexy - sexy as only smart can be. Passion was abundant, and infectious - an evening spent in the company of hot brains rather than hot bodies is, it turns out, quite exhilarating.Â
Indeed, you could be forgiven for thinking this was fertile ground for a fine romance - Australians swept off their feet by the seductive siren song of String Theory. But our scientists know better - as recent bitter experience has taught them, we are lousy when it comes to long-term commitment.Â
We could be a science-loving people, but there's precious little sign we're willing to put money where our national imagination is. And this was the grim cloud that hung over the Q&A proceedings - the spectre of our most brilliant minds forced to wrestle with the most banal of human concerns: keeping their jobs, paying the bills. Chief Scientist Alan Finkel, in the role since January, finds himself well versed in the other big bang - or "budget cycles" as they're known in Canberra.

Enthusiastic: Brian Greene. Photo: Screen grab: ABC
The panellists were as one in lamenting funding cuts.
Biologist Upulie Divisekera, on brutal cuts to climate change research at the CSIRO: "It is understandable there are always budgetary constraints but you are letting go of excellent, irreplaceable expertise. The expertise exists to serve the nation."
Marine ecologist Emma Johnston: "When governments are clever, they fund research at all of those different scales and all of those different approaches. When scientists are clever, we listen and accept the findings from research from all of those different approaches including social sciences."

Going places: Jacinta Rees. Photo: Screen grab: ABC
Greene: "Everybody wants to make money on their investment ultimately but the engine of innovation, the engine of progress , is the basic research. … basic science is critical for the economic impact in the future. If you don't invest in that, you are sacrificing our children because you will be running on fumes pretty quickly."
Is anybody listening?Â
We can only hope so, because while Q&A served up essential reminders of the funding doom and gloom, it was far from an hour-long whinge session about money.Â
It was, in the main, a celebration - of what science knows and more importantly what it doesn't know, of what it imagines and what those imaginings might deliver. These range from the relatively familiar terrain of Artificial Intelligence through to the concept of "multiverses" - as described by Greene: "If these ideas are correct, then there are going to be copies of you out there. Copies of me out there. We are going to be having this conversation over and over again in universe upon universe upon universe. It kind of strikes at the notion of personal identity. Who are you? Right. Are you this one in this universe? Is this one you too? Are you separate individuals? It is a mind-boggling thought that has deep philosophical ramifications but, again, we don't know if this idea is correct."
To which the proper response seems to be: Wow. Because "wow" is, after all, Â what it's all about in the end - especially for the nation's children, for whom such descriptions of scientific possibility can't help but make it seem a wonderland worthy of their attentions. Q&A delivered on that front, too, courtesy of young questioner Jacinta Rees.Â
First, she wanted to know: "How do baby sea turtles find the beach where they were born when they grow up?"Â
This query resolved, host Tony Jones had a follow up.
"I heard you do something remarkable which is to recite Pi - I know you can recite it to a lot of decimals. How many?"
Jacinta: "I can do it to 88 now."
Jones: "88 decimals. Can you give us a dozen?"
Jacinta: "OK."Â
And she did: a dozen, and the rest. This is clearly a girl going places, and we can only hope they are the same kind of places the Q&A panellists travel in their minds as they contemplate why they do what they do.
Upulie Divisekera summed it up: "It is the beauty of the universe and the beauty of the things that we study that keeps us going."Â
But it was astrophysicist Tamara Davis who really captured the joy of discovery with the quote of the night. "Science is a bit like sex," she said, quoting American physicist Richard Feynman. "It might have practical consequences but that's not why we do it."