A vintage Leunig cartoon depicts the famous parable of the Good Samaritan with a characteristic twist at the end: after the Samaritan has helped the man beaten up by robbers, the man comments about the Samaritan: "Thank God he had failed to show leadership qualities."
I was reminded of this recently when Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull, a Christian, displayed his "leadership qualities" when he responded in Parliament to the High Court decision that it was legal for the government to return 276 asylum seekers, including babies and children, to Nauru.
What should heroic leadership, for a Christian, look like? Simple acts of kindness and compassion, like the Samaritan's, are a good place to start.
Archbishop Desmond Tutu is one of the greatest Christian leaders and heroes of our time. One of the seeds of his faith was planted when he was a boy by a simple act of kindness and compassion when an Anglican priest, Father Trevor Huddleston, doffed his hat to Desmond's mother when he was walking past.
Such an act by a white man towards a black woman was unheard of under the apartheid regime. Tutu, as readers will know, went on to head the Truth and Reconciliation Commission, which performed a miracle – creating the right conditions in which black Africans, some of whom had been tortured and whose relatives had been murdered, could forgive their white oppressors.
In my experience kindness and compassion are born out of Christian meditation, as practised by Christian hero and monk John Main. Through meditation I encounter an expanded consciousness which lifts me out of my own small, often fearful, competitive, ego-driven consciousness and into the vast blue sky of the Christ mind, in which all people are seen by the sunlight of divinity, and all possess an inherent beauty, dignity and worth.
Mother Teresa was able to see the abandoned of her society in this divine light. In Heroes of the Faith – about men and women whose lives have proclaimed Christ – award-winning journalist Rowan Callick explains why meeting her had left him with the feeling that he had "touched the hem of God".
He writes: "She described how her sisters picked up four people from the streets of Kolkata: 'One of them was in a terrible condition. I did for her all my love could have done. I put her to bed and she held my hand. There was a beautiful smile on her face, and she said just two words, 'Thank you', and then died.
"That was perfect joy. She gave me much more than I gave to her. She gave me her dreadful love. This was one of those whom Jesus called blessed. They have nothing, but possess God."'
Roland Ashby is the editor of The Melbourne Anglican newspaper.