Individuals who earn a capital return from investments can only pay half the tax of those who earn an income working for wages.
NOW that the dust has settled around the feet of Malcolm Turnbull and his dramatic entrance into the Prime Ministership, the focus has shifted to what is sure to be a key plank of the next election, tax reform.
It’s a touchy issue which politicians have talked about for years but never really delivered for fear of voter backlash. Everyone knows there has to be tax reform but no-one has the guts to actually do it.
And with a growing national deficit worth billions of dollars and both parties scrambling for solutions to our fiscal fiasco, it’s important to understand what tax reform means for investors and the economy.
Let’s take a look at the options being thrown around.
There is a range of tax reforms being examined and debated right now.Source:Supplied
Although Turnbull has stated that a GST increase isn’t on the cards, it’s worth looking at how it would affect the economy should he decide to change his tune. Because there are big dollars to be earned and this would be easiest fix to budget deficit issues.
It’s likely a change to the GST would either increase it to 15 per cent across the board, or be applied to current exemptions like fresh food, health and education at it’s current level of 10 per cent.
But the GST is known as a regressive tax, meaning that any increase will primarily effect low and middle income earners, as they spend a larger part of their pay packet simply getting by.
Result for investors: Softer retail sales as tax takes greater share of family budget.
Under the current arrangement, superannuation contributions are taxed at 15 per cent and provide tax cuts to those who earn the most. This cost the budget a whopping $25 billion this financial year alone in tax benefits.
Amending this to the marginal rate of tax would have added an extra $17.7 billion dollars to the bottom line this year.
Result for investors: Softer asset prices as the pool of money super funds have to invest is reduced.
The removal of negative gearing would lead to softer property prices.Source:News Limited
Negative Gearing
As it stands, negative gearing sets the federal budget back between $2 billion and $5 billion each year in tax concessions. That’s big money, but what would happen if they changed it?
Under Labor’s proposed changes, negative gearing would be restricted to new properties only, a move that many property experts claim would force landlords to increase rents to cover their costs.
Others look back to the prior abolition of negative gearing in the late 1980s, where there was no attributable rise in rents, something that was also mirrored by a similar move in the US in 1986.
Result for investors: Softer property prices and fewer new developments as tax incentives are reduced or removed.
Land Tax
Booming property prices have yielded massive capital gains for investors, but made it increasingly difficult for younger Australians to get a foot on the property ladder.
The current property tax breaks in this area are costing the budget around $55 billion every year, according to the Treasury. This is a big problem no matter which way you slice it; here you’ve got policy that favours wealthy investors, costs tax payers billions and creates unrealistic expectations for first home buyers.
That’s where a land tax comes into play, as its introduction to tax the family home would go some way to levelling the housing playing field.
Result for investors: Softer property prices as a result of higher transaction costs.
Capital Gains
Did you know that individuals who earn a capital return from investments can only pay half the tax of those who earn an income through working for wages? And those who earn an income from interest bearing deposits are forced to pay the full income tax rate too.
The idea in this scenario is a level playing field when it comes to taxing income returns and capital gains … to either include interest bearing accounts in the discounted rates, or tax capital gains the same as income.
Of course, this kind of measure would turn off anyone looking to use negative gearing, as their share of gains would undoubtedly be effected.
Result for investors: Softer property and equity prices if tax incentives are reduced or removed.