Second jobs through the sharing economy like AirBnB, eBay and Uber are up for some extra scrutiny.
IF you think you can cheat the Tax Office … don’t even think about it. You can’t, and it will be just a matter of time before you’re caught.
The tactics and resources the ATO has at its disposal are quite extraordinary. Around 450,000 tax reviews and audits were conducted last year alone, catching over $1.1 billion in income tax people were trying to dodge.
A lot of the latest tax enforcement techniques have come from the abundance of data we’re producing, as everything from booking a holiday to doing your banking has moved online.
The Tax Office has the most powerful computers in the country and many businesses are required to share their customer databases with the tax man.
This is how they do it:
Kochie says you can’t cheat the tax office and it will only be a matter of time before you’re caught if you do.Source:News Corp Australia
Data Matching
To give you an idea of how closely your financial moves are being scrutinised, last tax year the ATO requested all credit and debit card payments received by merchants from eleven financial institutions. That’s an incredible amount of information that was matched against ATO records (your tax return) for clues on what was missing.
On top of that wideranging banking and retail data, you can add employers, health insurers, state and federal agencies and overseas tax offices to the list of data providers. Plus if you buy a car, boat, home or artwork, assume that transaction will end up in the Tax Office computer.
The analysis of this data is increasingly sophisticated and specifically designed to look for income tax returns that might be missing information, contain wonky numbers or simply don’t stack up.
From there it’s just a matter of the ATO asking, can they really afford that much caviar ... or boat?
The ATO compares you to taxpayers in similar circumstances to see if your claims are significantly different.Source:Supplied
The tax office doesn’t just look at your tax return by itself. Along with cross-referencing claims with data from other businesses, websites and financial institutions, they also compare you to taxpayers in similar circumstances to see if your claims are significantly different.
Picture a flat line on a chart, representing the average transport tax deduction for a person of your age in your profession in your city. If you’ve claimed too much, your dot will be out of place on the chart and stand out like a sore thumb.
The computer will produce a “red flag†against you and, before you know it, a man with a calculator could be knocking at the door. A scary thought.
If the ATO thinks there is enough information to warrant a closer look, they’ll follow it up.Source:Supplied
Whistle Blowing
The tax office welcomes whistleblowers with open arms, encouraging people to come forward and report their suspicions in confidence. If the ATO thinks there is enough information to warrant a closer look, they’ll follow it up.
While this seems like a long shot, just consider how many people you might have peeved off in the past few years … Divorced partners, ex-employees, old work colleagues. There is sure to be a couple, at least.
Special Focus Areas
Each year the ATO identifies key areas of tax law they think might be up for some ‘clever accounting’ and place a special focus on them.
It’s fair to assume that second jobs through the sharing economy are up for some extra scrutiny this year, as the tax office captures more income from sources like AirBnB, eBay and Uber.
That said, you might as well assume a special focus on everything you do, just to be safe.
Second jobs through the sharing economy like AirBnB, eBay and Uber are up for some extra scrutiny.Source:Supplied
Serious Detective Work
Apart from computer power the Tax Office also can collect information in rather unusual ways. We’ve heard a few impressive stories from tax accountants over the years, where people have been caught through more traditional detective efforts.
To give you an idea, in one case we were told of Tax Officers sitting in football car parks and taking down car regos on utes to check private versus business use deductions. And, at the more sophisticated end of town, there was a smash and grab raid on a hotel room to seize evidence of offshore tax evasion.
When you add that sort of endeavour to the giant computers cross checking each taxpayer’s every move, the game is up for tax cheats.