Lawyers and conveyancers are reporting a lift in property transaction numbers which may lead to price growth.
IT MIGHT have been a slow start to the year for the property market but don’t panic - industry professionals say signs have emerged that things will soon start to pick up.
Legal and conveyancing professionals have revealed strong sales volumes for the start of the year could lead to price increases.
A survey of professionals by GlobalX Legal Solutions found 82 per cent believed Australia’s home values would stay constant or increase over the next year.
Chief executive Peter Maloney said lawyers and conveyancers were involved in the sales process earlier than most and could already see a pick up in transactions.
“They are the first point of interaction when the consumer says I would like to sell my property,’’ he said.
“(They report) sales volumes are holding very, very strong in most Australian states.
“Take out the disaster which is Western Australia, I don’t know if I can describe it any other way than that, but volumes are absolutely well and truly up in all major capital cities.’’
Mr Maloney said conveyancers were across the price negotiations which went on through to the final contract of sale and the trend was that sellers were getting closer to their asking price.
He said listings had come back strongly since February.
“The values of those properties are showing great results and the clearance rates are starting to get up into the mid to high 70 per cents again.
“Despite the last quarter reporting slower than average growth, our research found one in three conveyancers believe market valuations will increase by more than 5 per cent in the next 12 months.’’
Mr Maloney said the start of the year tended to be a relatively quiet month across the housing market, but as the sector moved out of its seasonally slow period, they were likely to see new trends emerge.
“Australia’s housing market is habitually very resilient, so we will be watching closely over the coming months to see what regions and developments evolve within the market,†he said.