A sneak peak at what’s featured in tomorrow’s issue of Inside Retail Weekly….
In news that seemingly slipped under the radar late last week, former David Jones CEO, Iain Nairn, has returned, following the dubious end to his tenure at the helm of DJs, as the new CEO of Kikki.K. The stationary retail chain has bold international ambitions on the cards, and for this reason the Kikki.K hierarchy chose Nairn to lead the business through its next growth phase. You can read all about Nairn’s appointment in this week’s issue of Inside Retail Weekly.
Elsewhere in News this week, we look at Amazon’s Australian ambitions, via its subsidiary, The Book Depository, and the possible ramifications for Aussie book retailers; as well as Aussie Farmers Direct’s brand refresh.
From The Source this week features something a little different – we chat to up and coming retail executive Scott Phillips, a 25-year-old store manager at Kmart with big plans for a career in retail leadership. Scott was a winner at the NRA Young Retailer Of The Year Awards last year and his views on retail leadership are refreshing.
And our Features this week kick off with a look at leading tile retailer, Beaumont Tiles, which has bold plans for store expansion in 2016.
You’ll find all of this and much more, in Inside Retail Weekly Issue 2079, published tomorrow.
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