An entry to the Canberra Times spring photo competition from Ivy Lu. Photo: Ivy Lu
Canberra has enjoyed a run of beautiful sunshine and light breezy weather this week and those hoping for a clear weekend may be in luck with a forecast of gradual heating over the next five days.
Early next week the mercury is anticipated to rise with temperatures on Tuesday expected to reach the mid 30s.
But temperatures are expected to drop with a southerly change on Wednesday.

Ivy Lu's photo of a Canola field which has been enterted in the Canberra Times spring photo competition. Photo: Ivy Lu
"From Wednesday there will be a 9-10 degree drop that will bring a few showers," Weatherzone meteorologist Craig McIntosh said.
"The weather will then stay the same over the next week or so with possible showers here and there. Monday will  be the strongest day for showers after the heating event."
With 2015 being the hottest year on record, the heat is expected to rise again from Wednesday with temperatures climbing to the high 20s.

David Speering's entry. Photo: David Speering
The recent wave of sunshine and clear skies has allowed Canberrans to snap some incredibly stunning photos of nature for The Canberra Times spring photo competition.
David Speering​, whose photograph Lake Burley Griffin on a Foggy Morning has been entered in the competition, took the photo after separating from his partner of 24 years.
"I wasn't in a real clear place. Things were awfully fuzzy and I looked over my shoulder and saw the scene in the photograph, so I just snapped it," Mr Speering said of his entry.Â
"It was pretty spur of the moment and reminded me that even when things are foggy, opportunities still present themselves."
Ivy Lu, whose photographs Canola Field and Green Farm have both been entered into the competition, was inspired by her excitement for the impending spring and love of canola fields and sunsets.
"I thought spring's coming and I wanted to visit the canola fields in Boorowa, so we'd driven six  hours that day and I was worried that it would be dark before I got a nice shot," said Ms Lu.Â
"I've always loved taking sunset photos and I was quite surprised to find such green grass when everywhere else was so dry."
Budding photographers only have until the last day of November to enter The Canberra Times spring photo competition. Winners will receive a share of $1000 in prizes. Up to three photos may be submitted per entrant and should be sent as a JPEG attachment to photocomp@canberratimes.com.au.
Remember to include your name, address, phone number, a photo title and a description of where the image was taken.