Shining example ... Peter Jackson gets down and dirty polishing his Oscars.
Hobbit director Peter Jackson has expertly trolled Doctor Who fans everywhere with a cheeky video hinting he might direct an episode of the show, while at the same time taking a crack at the quality of the scripts.
Jackson is shown sitting at the dining table with his daughter, Katie, ostentatiously polishing his collection of Oscars.
Katie mentions there is an email from Dr Who producer Steven Moffat to which Jackson hasn't responded.
"He's always emailing me," says the Kiwi filmmaker casually. "I reply to the ones I can understand but some are a bit incoherent – you know, like his scripts. I mean, there are great ones and there's ones that are ... not great."
Peter Capaldi appears in the background and announces: "I'm the Doctor."
"Who?" says Jackson. "Correct," says Capaldi, thus completing the lame joke that has amused schoolboys everywhere since the series began.
Slapstick ensues with Capaldi chased out of the room by a dalek before he can get Jackson's name on a contract.
Jackson also sends Lord of the Rings fans into meltdown by mischievously placing a copy of Tolkien's The Silmarillion in the foreground, complete with Post-It notes marking four spots.
Devotees of the movies have long fantasised about Jackson directing a film version of the book, but it has always seemed highly unlikely due to complicated rights issues involving Tolkien's estate.
The intriguing video ends with Jackson taking another shot at Dr Who and at the same time firing up The Walking Dead fans as he and his daughter run off to catch the latest episode of the zombie drama.