Adele's highly anticipated album goes on sale on November 20.
My, this is a big album. And I'm not talking about its guaranteed debut at number one around the world next week, nor that it likely will be the highest selling album of the year despite being released with only a few weeks left.
Adele's voice has never sounded more certain, more prominent, more dominating, which is saying something given how it took all of centre stage for its predecessor. Even the quietest songs, Million Years Ago and All I Ask, seem to expand to fill the space like a decent size living room now occupied by the All Blacks pack having tea, the listener more like the dainty, dwarfed cups hoping not to be crushed.
Indeed, when she takes flight near the end of All I Ask, Adele makes the booming peak of this album's first single, the already massively successful Hello, seem almost demure. This is a voice which makes its own way.
And around it everything else is stronger, higher, louder and more - of everything. It's even more ballad-heavy than her debut 19 and its follow-up, 21; it's got drums that would make boommeister Phil Collins reconsider his imminent return to the recording studio; backing vocals come in various stages of choir, from mid-size gospel church to Mormon Tabernacle; and its choruses scale up from mid-size city CBD to Manhattan skyline.
If it wasn't already clear, while initially tagged as some kind of soul revivalist, the 1960s never really suited Adele, for the 1980s was her breeding ground. She loves it for its high sheen and willingness to push that little bit further – in sound, hair and choruses that would roll over all opposition - that defines 25; for spawning the voices of the '90s in Whitney Houston, Mariah Carey et al that filled her childhood radio and appear here in reach-for-the-sky tracks like When We Were Young; and because it took the elements of the '60s and remade them in the image of the age.
Take one of the lesser tracks here, Water Under The Bridge. It opens like Paul Young with the requisite high-haired black backing vocalist doing a soul siren thing in the background, with a rhythm made for a filmclip director's slow camera pan over a car in a semi-desert landscapes, and, after indulging crashing electronic drum exclamation marks, ends with a splash of a cappella. It's enough to make MTV think about putting music on its main channel again.
Even the variations, such as her collaboration with Swedish pop masters Max Martin and Shellback, Send My Love (To Your New Lover) which contains rather than unleashes their usual skittish rhythms, and pushes forward a vocal hook that has faint echoes of Britney Spears, sounds uncannily like Young's version of Love Of The Common People
Not that Young, Britney or even Whitney, would take such a determined downbeat lyrically. While now aged 27, settled in a relationship, with a child and presumably happy-as, that don't make for an Adele album: if you want happy buy yourself a Katy Perry album, we come here for drama. Not for nothing, and not entirely jokingly, did she say around the time of 21, that she'd almost deliberately sought out a problematic relationship to spur the songwriting.
So 25 is suffused, yet again, with looking back: at where she was a few years ago; at mistakes made; at relationships which foundered; things not said, things said that shouldn't have been, things being said now to a void. There are plenty of lines such as "I feel like my life is flashing back and all I can do is watch and cry" and "what if I never loved again?" and happiness is kept at a distance.
It matters little if some of us might have wanted some expansion in style rather than volume, with better lines than "you look like a movie, you sound like a song", and more emotional ground covered than sad/wistful/yearning, because I'd be amazed if this isn't exactly what Adele fans have waited three years to get.
These songs are simple but not spare, so you can sing them well enough while imagining just how good you might sound in the world's most perfect karaoke night. They are emotive without being overwhelmed by its emotion, so you get the heart kick but not the whole downer. They make weak lines like "you look like a movie, you sound like a song" sound momentarily profound.
In other words, 25 is everything one might ask of mainstream adult pop, except maybe surprising and exciting.
25 is out on November 20