“Not really looking for somebody that just wants to stay in their room.†(Image: Alex Lomax)
A LONDON landlord has been slammed for trying to rent out a Harry Potter-style bed-under-the-stairs for more than $1000 a month.
Alex Lomax, 23, who went to view the flatshare in southwest London’s Clapham, said she was “shocked†but “all-too-politeâ€, the BBC reports.
She instead posted photos of the room, which was advertised as “furnished†on the London2Let.com website, to Twitter with reference to the Harry Potter films.
“I have literally just been shown a bed under the stairs for £500 a month,†she wrote. “F you London! #nothanks #privetdrive!?â€
The post quickly went viral, with more than 5000 retweets and hundreds of comments.
The online listing reads: “We are looking for a friendly, open-minded and outgoing person to join our houseshare in a great period house in Clapham.
“We’re a good bunch and like to chill out a lot together — not really looking for somebody that just wants to stay in their room. Room comes with a bed. Bills to be shared — approx. £60 per month each.â€
Ms Lomax, who travelled more than three hours from Nottingham to view the property, told the BBC: “There was a landlord and I was shown the kitchen and the under-stairs cupboard — he seemed deadly serious, which is the worrying part.
“He said, ‘You would be sharing with three other people’, and I just wanted to get out of there, so I made my excuses and left.
“I wish I’d been more angry because it’s clearly ridiculous and I’m annoyed at myself for basically just making my excuses.â€
(Image: Alex Lomax)Source:Twitter
(Image: Alex Lomax)Source:Twitter