Game of Thrones fans can rest assured that even the impending zombie apocalypse won't stop George RR Martin from delivering eagerly awaited future instalments of the book series.
Martin has released pictures of himself at a "book signing" in full post-apocalyptic zombie mode.
The freshly dead Martin will take a small role playing himself as an enslaved celebrity zombie in an upcoming series of Z Nation, which airs on Syfy.

Looking good ... Martin proves even being dead won't stop him writing.
And while true fans will probably reckon Martin should stop mucking about and get back to writing, images from the undead book signing contain a strong hint of GoT goodness to come.Â
The "book" being signed by Zombie Martin is called A Promise of Spring, a riff on A Dream of Spring his yet-to-be-started seventh novel in the A Song of Ice and Fire series.
"I just want to prove to my fans that even in the Zombie Apocalypse, the Song of Ice and Fire books will still come out!" he told Entertainment Weekly.
Meanwhile, in more news from beyond the grave, actor and director Terry Gilliam has apologised to his fans for being dead.
Gilliam's unusual position has come about after Variety magazine accidentally posted an obituary for the very-much-alive-and-kicking 74-year-old actor.
In a post on his Facebook page that linked to the Fairfax Media report, Gilliam delighted fans with his statement, urging them not to believe Variety's retraction of the original report.