'The atmosphere was electric...' Cathy Freeman holds up the Olympic torch at the end of the opening ceremony Photo: AP Photo/Laura Rauch
First published in The Sydney Morning Herald on September 16, 2000
Wow! A colourful and colossal kaleidoscope on overdrive.
Fan bloody tastic!
For better or worse, for richer or poorer, the impression given was this is who we are at the turn of the millennium, this is where we've come from, and this, this is how clever we can be! Â
A triumph! Encore! Encore! Extra! Extra!

'Australia's cultural buttons being played like piano keys in the hands of a master...' Photo: Dallas Kilponen
"World watches in awe, as Olympic Games 2000 ignites!"
From the stands at the Opening Ceremony of the Sydney 2000 Games, the overwhelming impression is, "You bloody beauty, we fair dinkum knocked 'em dead on that one!"
For whatever our prior fears, the truth is Olympic impresarios Ric Birch and David Atkins came up with a show that was a theatrical equivalent of the Opera House.

Cathy Freeman is overcome Photo: Andy Zakeli
Stunning in its conception, soaring in its ambition, it not only did the country proud but will remain a oneoff never been seen before, and never again! Bear witness ...
The opening moment set the tone when a lone horseman galloped at full tilt into the stadium with a stockwhip cracking prompting massive movement at the station as the word was passed around and another 120 of his ilk suddenly thundered close behind, with Olympic flags gaily flying. From then till the climactic instant when the Olympic cauldron was lit, the atmosphere was electric. This was a lot more than a mere "ceremony". Rather, it was a colourful and colossal kaleidoscope on overdrive, with Australia's cultural buttons being played like piano keys in the hands of a master. (A passing thought was that some real drug tests should be administered to whoever conceived such an incredibly intricate and colourful arrangement it seriously had everything but Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds but I digress.)
With the dynamic between an old Aboriginal songman and a young girl as its base, there was beach and the bushfires, Captain Cook and corrugated iron, our unique flora, fauna and fishes, dozens of catherine wheels and Ned Kellys on the prowl, sheepdogs and shearing sheds, suburbanites in terry towelling hats with lawnmowers, and tap dancers moving hard to a beat provided by newly arrived immigrants from Africa, South America, Asia and all parts elsewhere.

Nikki Webster floats above the throng in 'Deep Sea Dreaming' Photo: Steve Christo
In short, though Birch and Atkins used only the tune of Song of Australia, its chorus was singularly appropriate to the mood: "I am, you are, we are Australian." For better or worse, for richer or poorer, the impression given was this is who we are at the turn of the millennium, this is where we've come from, and this, this is how clever we can be! Cue the sun, float the fishes, stone the crows. As a celebration of this country's extraordinary diversity of experience, it also provided a wonderful platform for the rest of the Olympics to launch from and ...
And what? Wasn't there anything there not worth gushing about? Well, there is the matter of the marching bands. After one hour of seamless Australiana, suddenly whole battalions of tuba ticklers appeared, looking as if by some cosmic mistake they had wandered into Australia's Olympic Stadium straight from the halftime show of America's Superbowl.
Sure, they were skilled and entertaining in their fashion, and good luck to them, but it had absolutely diddlysquat to do with the essence of Australia, other than providing proof positive that the rising damp of cocacolanisation can sometimes show up in the damndest of places at the strangest of times.
Ahem. Fortunately there were so many marvels to come that if you looked at it just right, the marching bands could be viewed as simply the imperfection that every perfect pearl must have.
The most moving moment in the parade of athletes was when the single team of Korea came out for the first time in four decades united and the crowd leapt as one to its feet and acclaimed them. Both they, and the crowd, seemed stunned at the raw emotion in the air, and many on both sides wept.
The speeches, the wondrous massive flag covering the representatives of the world, and then the climax it was quite simply stunning. Cathy Freeman stood at the foot of a waterfall that had suddenly appeared from the top of the northern stand, paused in a pool at the base, lit a circle upon it and then watched as that circle rose around her, lurched upwards and then no further upwards for an agonising two minutes, as the nation held its breath.
And then she moved! Right to the top. Go, you good thing!
All up? All up, the nation as a whole should express great gratitude, not just to the impresarios who outdid themselves but to the 12,000 of our country's men and women who performed so well, most of them for nought but the love of the occasion. From the multitalented young girl who was the pivotal point on which the whole thing turned, to the Aboriginal performers, to the extraordinary trapeze artists above, to the posse of people with pooperscoopers who cleaned up after the horses had done their thing all are deserving of our warmest congratulations.
Altogether after me: You bloody beauties. And like the man said, let the Games begin!
Twitter:Â Peter_Fitz, FairfaxArchives
​First published in The Sydney Morning Herald on September 16, 2000