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2017-07-19 04:12:33
While the banks won't have much difficulty meeting APRA's new capital requirements, there still is some bad news on the way for both them and property investors, writes Stephen Letts.
2017-07-19 03:03:14
The best approach for employees considering a relationship with a colleague is to separate the romantic advance from the workplace, writes Paul Harpur from the University of Queensland.
2017-07-18 06:47:26
Two embarrassing resignations in five days have politicians scouring their records to check their own citizenship, but the rules about dual citizenship are clear on the nomination form.
2017-07-18 04:30:32
The Greens should be pressing Jordan Steele-John, who is in line to take Scott Ludlam's Senate spot, to stay in the seat everyone assumes will come his way, writes Michelle Grattan.
2017-07-17 23:19:34
Why is the Australian dollar rising, and can it push even higher from its current levels?