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Posted: Sat, 09 Jun 2018 05:05:02 GMT
US President Donald Trump has hit out at key allies over trade policy as leaders hold talks at the G7 summit in Canada. He is standing firmly on his newly imposed steel and aluminium tariffs with tensions threatening to overshadow the meeting. Mr Trump has also called for Russia to be reinstated to ...
Posted: Sun, 04 Feb 2018 06:59:01 GMT
US President Donald Trump condemned the actions of the FBI and Department of Justice as “an American disgrace” in a tweet storm overnight.
Posted: Mon, 27 Jan 2020 10:56:28 GMT
The Wall Street Journal China Bureau Chief Jonathan Cheng says authorities “pledged to crackdown” on viruses like SARS and make sure they weren’t “causing a problem to the human race”. “But here we are almost two decades later and we have a very similar problem on our hands,” he told ...
Posted: Sat, 10 Mar 2018 06:59:01 GMT
THE World Health Organisation has a list of diseases which pose a serious outbreak threat.
Posted: Mon, 19 Mar 2018 05:51:08 GMT
A NINE-YEAR-OLD boy in the US has fatally shot his 13-year-old sister after she refused to hand over a video game controller, Fox News reported.
Posted: Sun, 01 Apr 2018 05:59:03 GMT
NO one wants the middle seat on a flight, but where you sit can have a big impact on whether you have a good journey or not — from being able to stretch your legs to avoiding the worst of the turbulence.
Posted: Sat, 07 Apr 2018 05:59:02 GMT
MOLLY Ringwald has been praised for airing her concerns about her 1985 film The Breakfast Club, which she has said is now “troubling” to her due to scenes involving sexual harassment.
Posted: 2014-12-12 16:26:00
SIERRA LEONE has cancelled Christmas. As Ebola cases continue to spiral, soldiers will crack down on street celebrations and push people inside.
Posted: Tue, 10 Apr 2018 05:59:01 GMT
BILL Cosby’s high-profile Hollywood lawyer today painted the woman who alleges the TV star drugged and sexually assaulted her as a “con artist” who was “madly in love with fame and money”.
Posted: 2014-12-20 03:24:00
BARACK Obama answered eight questions at the close of his end of year press conference. But he did it in a way no president has before.
Posted: Wed, 18 Apr 2018 05:04:04 GMT
A MEDICAL mercy mission is underway to bring home an Adelaide woman who suffered severe burns in Thailand.
Posted: 2015-09-01 08:46:00
THIS young mayor has gone into hiding after she was accused of corruption and remotely running her town through WhatsApp.
Posted: Sat, 21 Apr 2018 05:59:02 GMT
Bomb disposal experts have defused a World War II bomb in Berlin after evacuating an area in the heart of the city. The 500-kilogram British bomb was discovered during building work this week, more than seven decades after the end of the war. Around 10,000 people - including residents, hospital pati...
Posted: 2016-04-21 07:49:00
A NEUROLOGIST pushing the boundaries of science says simple thought and movement exercises can make your mind more powerful.
Posted: Fri, 27 Apr 2018 05:59:02 GMT
PRINCE William and wife Catherine have named their new baby Louis Arthur Charles in a twist that has shocked British punters.
Posted: 2016-06-29 04:46:00
US Secretary of State John Kerry says Britain’s vote to leave the European Union might never be implemented - and London is in no hurry to go.
Posted: Wed, 02 May 2018 05:26:07 GMT
MORE than 200 people have been arrested in Paris as a May Day trade union rally erupted in violence.
Posted: 2016-12-31 04:32:00
THE Pentagon believes Islamic State chief Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi is indeed alive, despite repeated efforts by the US-led coalition to take him out.
Posted: Thu, 02 Mar 2017 05:36:30 GMT
THE North Korean arrested over the assassination of Kim Jong Nam is to be freed, as South Korea prepares to bombard the north with murder leaflets.
Posted: Sat, 09 Jun 2018 05:58:03 GMT
Celebrity chef Anthony Bourdain has died at the age of 61.