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Posted: 2017-09-11 18:36:51
Here's the top tech news for Tuesday. 1. An agritech startup just pulled off an $8 million IPO. CropLogic, originating out of New Zealand, floated on the ASX today with investors betting on its system of sensors that collect data for farmers to make intelligent decisions ...
Posted: 2018-06-01 12:57:10
Like the unchecked rollout of artificial intelligence and automation taking over our lives, facial recognition is coming to Australia, whether you want it to or not. More »     
Posted: 2018-01-18 16:01:45
The global bond sell-off spilled into Friday trade in Asia. US bond yields continued to edge higher, in a synchronised global selloff which saw Australian government bond yields also rise across the curve. More Â»     
Posted: 2020-02-24 03:02:31
Some of Australia's biggest banks have been lowering the interest rates they pay savers this year despite no movement on the official rate from the RBA. More »    
Posted: 2018-02-16 14:00:08
Unlisted tech investor Blockchain Global is to receive 15 per cent of its new partner, Genetic Technologies, in return for turning the breast cancer business into a blockchain bargain. More »     
Posted: 2018-03-22 12:20:18
Large Australian shareholders, including investment giant AMP Capital, are reconsidering their investments in Facebook due to ethical concerns over the social media giant's latest privacy scandal. More »     
Posted: 2018-03-28 15:09:55
The Star just raised $490 million by selling 10% of the casino operator to two Hong Kong-based trading families. The company also announced it is increasing the target dividend payout ratio to a minimum of 70% of normalised net profit after tax, up from 50%, starting ...
Posted: 2014-12-09 04:53:35
Two of the most noticeable improvements we may see in Samsung's Galaxy S5 successor could be in its screen and camera, if a new leak turns out to be accurate. More Â»      
Posted: 2015-11-11 19:03:13
The move toward autonomous vehicle technology is continuing its forward march worldwide. Driverless buses are expected to hit the road in Switzerland next spring, as part of a two-year trial run that will test how well the vehicles operate in real-life traffic. ...
Posted: 2018-04-22 18:41:12
A group of AMP clients still haven't been told they received bad financial advice. The adviser responsible was sacked and AMP is going through his files. More »     
Posted: 2018-04-23 18:23:14
Annual underlying consumer price inflation (CPI) in Australia now stands at 2%, a two-year high. It's currently rising faster than the RBA is expecting. More »     
Posted: 2017-01-18 12:19:19
International retailers such as Uniqlo, Zara and H&M are seeing lofty growth slip in Australia, along with margins, as they expand into smaller regional centres. More Â»     
Posted: 2018-05-17 16:22:04
Here’s a question. do you consider yourself to be a trusting person? Or let me put it another way. would you put your life in the hands of a total stranger? More »     
Posted: 2017-04-09 14:00:13
Before you sink a lot of cash on a DIY project in your home, you'd be wise to research what home features are currently in vogue, and which are on their way out. More Â»     
Posted: 2017-04-21 07:05:18
Adidas is getting serious about its sustainability initiatives and showing that going green doesn't have to make customers blue. With new ocean-inspired colouring, Adidas is releasing "Parley" versions of its most popular Boost running shoes. the Ultraboost, Ultraboost X,...
Posted: 2017-05-17 05:27:19
For months, traders have been wondering what it would take to shake confidence in a record-breaking market that has seemed immune to presidential scandal. More Â»     
Posted: 2017-09-11 18:32:11
Members of boards of directors will now have to have unique director identification numbers as a way of combating phoenix companies where businesses are sent broke but their assets rise again in another company. More Â»     
Posted: 2017-09-14 17:24:08
ANZ Bank analysts have increased their forecasts for property price growth in Australia. "Given Melbourne’s recent resilience, we have nudged our 2017 price forecasts higher, and now expect nationwide prices will finish the year 5.8% higher," write economists Dani...
Posted: 2018-06-01 12:57:10
Like the unchecked rollout of artificial intelligence and automation taking over our lives, facial recognition is coming to Australia, whether you want it to or not. More »     
Posted: 2017-10-16 17:20:47
Liquefied natural gas (LNG) exports may have become a hot political issue for the government in recent months, with Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull intervening to guarantee domestic supply amid concerns of shortfalls, but LNG exports will not only boost Australian economi...
Posted: 2018-01-18 14:46:21
For the short-term traders out there who like to dabble in iron ore stocks, you may find the chart below of interest. From Deutsche Bank, it shows the seasonality in Chinese steel, copper and iron ore prices between 2010 and 2017. More Â»     
Posted: 2019-01-14 11:31:31
Australian capital city home prices fell at the fastest pace since 1983 in December. Based on recent transactions, prices are still falling in early January, albeit at a slightly slower pace. More »     
Posted: 2020-02-24 01:17:17
Preliminary auction clearance rates in both Sydney and Melbourne are hovering around 80% after a bumper weekend saw almost 2,000 properties go under the hammer between the two cities. More »    
Posted: 2018-02-16 10:46:06
It’s easy to see alcohol consumption being a result of thousands of years of ritual and a lifetime of habit. But have you ever stopped to consider why it is you choose to drink? Knowing what motivates people to drink is important to better understanding their needs ...
Posted: 2018-03-22 12:14:38
The ASX fell hard in early trade, following a brutal night on Wall Street where the benchmark S&P500 fell 2.5% on fears that the Trump administration is pushing the global economy into a trade war. More »