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2019-10-07 06:38:17
Police took the Extinction Rebellion protesters into custody one-by-one as they staged a sit in on Broadway, near Railway Square in Ultimo, while onlookers cheered.
2019-10-07 05:47:14
Volkswagen named 67 people it believed were involved in the 2015 emissions cheating scandal that rocked the industry in documents for now-settled Australian class actions.
2019-10-05 14:00:00
The news got just a little happier this week for an elephant who has been kept in captivity in a New York zoo for four decades.
2019-12-31 04:02:08
Australians are looking to the government to take national and global action to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and stop the terrifying advance of climate change.
2019-12-31 00:00:00
Sydney and NSW's year included dust storms, diving dam levels, heatwaves, fish kills and the eruption of mega bushfires and incessant smoke haze.