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2019-06-29 05:16:11
Graeme Murphy has replaced inner spiritual calm with external objectification and subjugation as the dominant motif that pervades both moments of love and despair.
2019-06-28 22:09:36
After a lengthy hiatus, End of Fashion frontman Justin Burford has brought the outfit back together and is unapologetic in his love for pop hooks and catchy rhythms.
2019-06-28 16:22:53
In the 1980s, young women everywhere wanted to be like her. Nearly 40 years later, Madonna, 60, and a mother of six, is still a pop culture phenomenon.
2019-06-28 15:10:53
The last days in Saigon brought about some of the finest moments of the Vietnam catastrophe.
2019-06-28 15:08:46
The strength of R.W.R. McDonald's The Nancys lies in the dialogue.