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Posted: 2018-04-22 03:53:27
Anybody who had not heard Jake Bugg's speaking voice before this solo acoustic show was in for a surprise.
Posted: 2016-05-04 14:05:32
Exclusive: The Today hosts praise rival Waleed Aly - and insist their Logies "too white" comments were taken out of context.
Posted: 2018-05-11 17:09:47
Writer Zinzi Clemmons confronted the American novelist at the Sydney Writers Festival, asking him why he had treated her the way he had six years earlier.
Posted: 2018-05-21 05:22:44
Lebanese-born artist Khaled Sabsabi is among a collective of 16 Islamic artists who have joined together to produce at show called Enough - or "Khalas" in Arabic at the UNSW Gallery in Paddington.
Posted: 2018-05-21 14:01:00
The prestigious Helpmann Awards are saying goodbye to Sydney.
Posted: 2018-05-22 07:10:24
In a mostly unremarked spot in the Royal Botanic Garden, close to the waters of Farm Cove, there is a small but poignant monument.
Posted: 2018-05-27 03:49:27
The angry British TV reporter created by actor Tom Walker has become a viral sensation for his erudite rants about the state of UK and world politics.
Posted: 2018-05-28 02:30:00
Naturalistic drama, sci-fi and an "arse-kicking" superhero comedy are as wildly different as genres can be – and therein lies the strength of Indigenous storytelling, according to one of its rising stars.
Posted: 2017-08-01 02:48:10
After The Verdict failed, some believed Karl's new show would flop. Instead, it triumphed.
Posted: 2017-08-25 08:22:15
Swifty is back and, boy, is she cross.
Posted: 2018-06-03 01:56:35
Her sister Beyonce might be the bigger star but on this night Solange Knowles definitely had the bigger planet.
Posted: 2018-06-08 02:30:00
Among Instagram's images of splendour are landscapes whose owners have lost the plot.
Posted: 2018-02-07 03:14:44
The My Kitchen Rules' dinner discussion has finally turned to sisters Jess and Emma's cosmetic surgery in a night of soap opera acting in, what was eventually deemed, a Greek tragedy.
Posted: 2018-02-08 05:12:03
Colin Lane and Frank Woodley are back after a long hiatus with a show about aviation, more or less.
Posted: 2018-02-08 14:11:14
More than ever, race is the new gelignite of language, a rewired taboo to supplant the defused f-bomb. Ounce for ounce, in terms of hurt, vulgarity has morphed into allusions to identity.
Posted: 2019-06-22 05:06:17
“Good artists copy, great artists steal,” is a familiar aphorism most often attributed to Picasso. But a new exhibition at the National Art School takes the concept further.
Posted: 2018-02-17 13:36:51
Why do some contestants thrive on this show - while others flounder?
Posted: 2018-03-26 03:58:21
At 77 Brazilian pianist Sergio Mendes still has ears for the new.
Posted: 2018-04-01 14:00:00
After a string of hits, Richard Curtis seems to have gone on a sabbatical with About Time.
Posted: 2018-04-22 03:48:10
For this ''little girl from Zambia'', no matter how fierce her message, she can make its blow feel like an embrace.