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2021-05-07 08:33:22
Ella Baxter’s first novel follows the experiences of a funeral parlour cosmetician who experiences grief for the first time.
2021-05-07 07:00:00
Actor Elaine Crombie says a new production of The 7 Stages of Grieving, about Indigenous Australian history, is as relevant today as when it was written 26 years ago.
2021-05-07 06:00:00
It isn’t the tree’s age-old, symbolic significance that forms the focus of this exhibition; it’s the destruction of wilderness that threatens the very basis of human life.
2021-05-07 06:00:00
Australian publishing has had its fair share of charismatic editors, as Craig Munro reveals in Literary Lion Tamers.
2021-05-07 06:00:00
Clunes’ annual festival returned but with some significant differences.