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Posted: 2016-08-10 12:28:36
A fire sparked by electrical wiring at a Baghdad hospital has killed 12 newborn babies, Iraqi authorities say.
Posted: 2017-06-12 05:31:27
Theresa May will be met with silence rather than the traditional banging of desks by Conservative MPs after a disastrous election performance.
Posted: 2017-06-16 07:59:48
The first victim of the Grenfell Tower fire has been identified as a 23-year-old Syrian refugee.
Posted: 2018-06-03 08:30:59
The best photos from the international wire agencies as chosen by our picture editors.
Posted: 2017-11-26 06:57:02
A powerful blast on Sunday morning in China's eastern Zhejiang province brought down buildings and killed two people while injuring many others, state media reported, while police said the cause had still to be determined.
Posted: 2018-01-31 14:22:46
Founder Elon Musk is loading the rocket with his other passion - a Tesla Roadster - and promising to deliver the pricey cargo to Mars.
Posted: 2018-02-02 18:56:13
Republican congressmen have released a previously secret memo Friday in which they accuse senior officials at the FBI and the Justice Department of bias in the early stages of the Russia investigation.
Posted: 2018-06-10 17:24:41
British politicians will be asked to tax plastic bottles and eliminate all non-recyclable plastics by 2025 under a radical bill proposed by cross-party MPs.
Posted: 2018-02-08 12:33:27
George W. Bush has accused Russia of meddling in the 2016 US presidential election, calling Russian President Vladimir Putin a "brilliant tactician".
Posted: 2018-03-12 05:48:59
A helicopter has crashed into New York's East River killing five people on board.