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Australia Shopping Network. It's All About Shopping!
2015-01-22 22:10:00
THE NSW Sheriff has put the rubbish-strewn property of Sydney’s most notorious hoarders on the market in an attempt to recoup clean-up costs.
2015-01-23 02:38:00
THE vendors wanted $240,000 for the Kerrigans’ holiday house at Bonnie Doon. But buyers have told them they were dreaming.
Fri, 17 Mar 2017 06:04:33 GMT
MYER chief executive Richard Umbers says he is confident the department store chain can compete with e-commerce giant Amazon that’s rumoured to arrive in Australia later this year.
2015-06-24 23:19:00
CELEBRITIES from Liza Minnelli to Mick Jagger once partied there and now for $110 million you can own the home once owned by Andy Warhol.
2015-01-21 05:18:00
BOOKMAKER Tom Waterhouse has been confirmed as the buyer behind an expansive beachfront property in Balmoral late last year, paying $13 million for the home.
2015-01-07 06:56:00
FORMER McDonald’s Australia CEO Peter Ritchie has sold his Mona Vale holiday home — and its views will leave you gasping.
2015-08-25 02:08:00
THIS abandoned home has no power or running water and has been the target of vandals and graffiti artists. But that didn’t stop it selling for $2.22 million.
2015-11-26 01:40:00
FORGET the traditional four walls of a hotel room and check out some of Australia’s “out there” holiday rentals.
2015-11-30 01:03:00
THIS is the perfect property for nature lovers. Own your own private eco-sanctuary.
2015-11-13 04:15:00
KIDS, crack out your piggy banks — a much-loved cubby on its own prime piece of northern beaches real estate land is going to auction. But it has a million-dollar price tag.
2014-12-08 02:29:00
THE inner-Melbourne house once part of convicted drug baron Tony Mokbel’s empire has sold.
2016-05-16 01:20:00
FED up with mowing the lawn and gardening? Maybe it’s time to find your own desert oasis. Take a tour inside these luxury desert homes.
2015-07-02 06:08:00
A BRISBANE property viturally untouched since it was built in the 1950s has topped the list of Australia’s biggest residential sales this week.
2016-02-24 03:23:00
DON’T panic about property price growth slowing - signs have emerged that things may soon pick up.
2015-11-13 03:41:00
SHANNAN Ponton the veteran trainer in the Biggest Loser reality tv show is selling his family home in Freshwater to upgrade in the area
2015-12-01 05:29:00
THE barista who makes your coffee has had more training than many real estate agents says the new Real Estate Institute state president, who is calling for better agent education.
2016-01-18 03:16:00
EXPERTS reveal what you shouldn’t reveal when selling your home.
2016-01-18 02:57:00
PROPERTY vacancy rates have lifted throughout Australia with new figures revealing it has hit an “alarming” level in two capital cities.
2015-06-17 01:49:00
REAL ESTATE investors have been too quick to follow the herd, making Australia vulnerable to a downturn, a global investment giant says.
2016-01-27 03:49:00
THESE are the “dirty dozen”, the suburbs and towns that analyst Terry Ryder has labelled danger markets, not for the faint-hearted investor.