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Australia Shopping Network. It's All About Shopping!

Posted: 2018-01-15 22:30:53
A sewer-ridden slum or a neglected tight-knit community on the fringes battling poverty and a bad reputation — what was the real Wapping like?
Posted: 2013-12-13 13:00:00
WILDLIFE photographer Alex Cearns takes us on a tour of her favourite spots.
Posted: 2013-12-16 13:00:00
DON'T let the hidden pitfalls of holiday cover leave you high and dry.
Posted: 2017-04-23 22:19:23
The Northern Territory Government confirms plans to build a $50-million museum on a historic site in Darwin, including a section dedicated to the Kahlin Compound.
Posted: 2017-02-20 04:11:22
Can you guess these movies based on their terrible pitches?
Posted: 2017-08-25 03:17:29
When images of bloodied feet swept across the internet earlier this month, author John Birmingham was inspired and started writing.
Posted: 2018-02-13 00:29:17
Thousands of costumes lovingly collected over half a century by Gail Pether are donated to the WA Screen Academy at Edith Cowan University.
Posted: 2013-12-13 13:00:00
I'M holding the menu in my hands. It's worn and wine-stained and smells like a library book.
Posted: 2018-02-11 02:55:37
Allergy authorities call out Sony Pictures for its depiction of "blatant food allergy bullying" in the film Peter Rabbit.
Posted: 2013-12-13 13:00:00
IT'S shaping up to be a summer of content for travel-hungry bookworms.
Posted: 2013-12-13 13:00:00
NEW York hotels and haunts of great writers.
Posted: 2013-12-13 13:00:00
WHO'S reading what, where and why over the holidays.
Posted: 2017-04-06 04:46:32
Children are being taught to think critically about traditional fairy tales by looking at their "gendered messages". And not everyone is happy about it.
Posted: 2018-02-13 01:25:59
Reaction to Michelle Obama's portrait has been mixed. Some critics have lavished praised on the painting, while others say it misses the former first lady's 'spirit'.
Posted: 2017-03-06 05:51:14
A painter credited with bringing abstract impressionism to Australian audiences, Adelaide-born Sydney Ball, dies aged 83.