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Posted: 2017-05-04 06:46:40
It's been 20 years since Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone was published, but it might never have happened if it weren't for publisher Nigel Newton's daughter.
Posted: 2017-05-09 01:07:53
Queensland musician Jeremy Marou will be changing his rider and increasing the amount of exercise he does after suffering a heart attack.
Posted: 2017-05-08 23:58:26
The cartoonist who created Pepe the Frog kills off the character in a rebuke to far-right extremists who transformed a benevolent internet meme into a racist, anti-Semitic symbol.
Posted: 2017-07-04 00:24:09
A young photographer in the 1950s was sent to a sheep station to learn about the wool industry. In the process, he documented a romantic archive of rural Australia.
Posted: 2018-01-01 07:26:01
A pro-Israel organisation uses a full-page ad in the Washington Post to call singer-songwriter Lorde a "bigot" and accuse New Zealand of "growing prejudice" against the Jewish people.
Posted: 2017-05-08 23:37:38
If Sydney ever had a superhero, maybe it was Trough Man: a character who lay down in the urinals at dance parties in the 1980s.
Posted: 2017-05-08 10:51:01
Chef and Melbourne Victory's number one ticket holder George Calombaris apologises for getting involved in an altercation at the A-League grand final in Sydney on Sunday night.
Posted: 2017-07-03 22:12:00
Before cameras even begin to roll, female characters suffer sexism in how they are described on the pages of screenplays. But what can we do to improve this?
Posted: 2017-07-03 21:46:19
Melbourne street artists are using creativity to inject colour into the "ugly grey" anti-terrorism bollards recently installed in pedestrian strips — so what do residents and visitors think?
Posted: 2018-01-01 04:51:38
A man is charged over a sexual assault at the Falls Music Festival in Tasmania after being apprehended in a citizen's arrest by the alleged victim and her friend.
Posted: 2017-04-19 08:41:18
Hobart's Lord Mayor joins thousands of people urging Dark Mofo in an online petition to ditch a performance artist who will used a freshly slaughtered animal in his show.
Posted: 2017-07-03 20:15:46
Scientists think the way bees use their highly efficient visual system to see colour accurately could revolutionise the way robots and drones see the world.
Posted: 2017-04-19 02:53:58
Virtual football players will take the podium next to real-life ones at the 2022 Asian Games, with organisers announcing the inclusion of eSports as a medal event.
Posted: 2017-07-03 03:33:57
Di Elson has no formal literary qualifications but a love of reading saw her chosen as a judge for the Children's Book Council of Australia.
Posted: 2017-04-19 00:59:59
In the wake of WWII a generation of Holocaust survivors moved to the every corner of the planet. Now, a new project brings them together to explore just what it means to be a "survivor".