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2018-02-01 01:56:14
Being a convict in Australia was not all about leading a miserable existence in some hellish backwater, and you'd be more likely to find one enjoying a riotous jig at the pub, writes colonial dance expert Heather Blasdale Clarke.
2018-02-01 01:31:33
Li Yang is one of the stars of Chinese independent film. But he's also now decided to compromise on the topics he deals with to ensure his films pass censors and reach a huge Chinese audience.
2018-01-31 22:14:22
Nominated for a swag of Oscars this year, Phantom Thread comes close to landing flat on its face — but ends up a breathtaking experience.
2018-01-31 22:13:15
In rare back-to-back performances based on personal experiences, two Torres Strait Islander artists ask audiences to recognise the impact of visibility in black theatre.
2018-01-31 21:36:05
Manchester Art Gallery denies its removal of a 19th century painting of naked female nymphs tempting a man to his doom is censorship, instead saying the move is aimed at "prompting conversation".