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Australia Shopping Network. It's All About Shopping!

2018-02-01 20:00:36
Movie lovers in Brisbane are reeling after learning the city's last walk-in video store will close its doors for the final time next month.
2018-02-01 06:59:34
Australia is about to take a big leap into the electronic sports world, with the launch of A-League soccer's E-League competition.
2018-02-01 04:19:22
A "talking" killer whale that says "hello", "bye bye" and counts "one, two" is thought to be the first to be taught to mimic the human voice through her blowhole.
2018-02-01 01:56:14
Being a convict in Australia was not all about leading a miserable existence in some hellish backwater, and you'd be more likely to find one enjoying a riotous jig at the pub, writes colonial dance expert Heather Blasdale Clarke.
2018-02-01 01:31:33
Li Yang is one of the stars of Chinese independent film. But he's also now decided to compromise on the topics he deals with to ensure his films pass censors and reach a huge Chinese audience.