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2021-01-24 23:34:47
Despite Beijing's increasingly hostile trade war, Australia sold a lot more goods to China (particularly iron ore) in December. The Australian share market begins its shortened trading week, ahead of Australia Day, with small gains.
2021-01-25 03:46:28
With unprecedented support from global governments, the stock market has boomed, driving up billionaire's wealth even while the real economy has faced the deepest recession in a century and the poor have gotten poorer.
2021-01-25 05:59:21
Three people are charged in connection with an alleged million-dollar gold theft in Western Australia's Goldfields, in which police say more than 8,000 tonnes of gold-bearing ore was stolen.
2021-01-25 07:31:40
The Indonesian Government is reportedly looking to Mexico as an alternate source of live cattle, after Australian cattle hit record prices and Jakarta meat sellers go on strike.
2021-01-25 17:04:44
At a virtual World Economic Forum, Mr Xi urges nations to remove all barriers to trade while working together on coronavirus vaccine research and distribution.