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2021-03-19 00:59:14
Qantas workers who usually work on international routes will receive a $500-a-week wage payment well after the JobKeeper scheme ends, under the federal government's controversial $1.2 billion aviation tourism support scheme.
2021-03-19 01:17:40
The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission formally authorises a milk label that aims to showcase processors and brands that pay farmers a sustainable price.
2021-03-19 02:13:42
TransGrid announces alternative route options for the proposed Hume Link transmission line, after the original proposal was criticised by local landholders, council and the Rural Fire Service.
2021-05-07 23:59:16
Michelle Rex signed up to a plan in 2007 and made fortnightly payments totalling $8,000, thinking it was a savings plan. By the time she spoke to a financial counsellor, she was already $2,000 over her maximum payout amount.
2021-03-19 03:28:26
Two Canberra construction companies that claim they are owed millions of dollars fear delays to laws cracking down on dodgy developers are costing builders.