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2021-05-08 01:15:59
Liverpool's burgeoning population lives just 26 kilometres from Sydney's CBD, and on a good day a train trip can take just under an hour, but experts say it could be faster. NSW Transport disagrees.
2021-05-07 23:59:16
Michelle Rex signed up to a plan in 2007 and made fortnightly payments totalling $8,000, thinking it was a savings plan. By the time she spoke to a financial counsellor, she was already $2,000 over her maximum payout amount.
2021-05-07 22:23:52
South-east Queensland drivers filling up their tanks this weekend will be paying the highest prices of all the capital cities in Australia for unleaded petrol, with the fuel cycle showing although prices are slow to rise, they are even slower to come down again.
2021-05-07 22:08:25
Brazil cattle prices are breaking records, abattoirs are shutting, and the ramifications for global beef markets could be huge.
2021-05-07 19:35:46
A senior air force officer whose career was in part inspired by the Apollo 11 moon landing will become Australia's first space commander next year.