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Posted: 2017-04-07 10:37:41
US President Donald Trump receives praise from his allies and criticism from countries that support Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, following his decision to launch America's first missile strike against Syrian Government forces.
Posted: 2017-04-07 08:36:50
Romanian tourist Andreea Cristea, who fell into the River Thames during an attack on Britain's Houses of Parliament more than two weeks ago, dies in hospital of her injuries.
Posted: 2017-04-07 07:55:57
For nearly three years the international system has been aware of evidence that the Syrian President may not have declared all of his chemical weapons stockpiles — and these strikes highlight the dilemma about what to do now, writes Middle East correspondent Matt Brown.
Posted: 2017-04-07 07:41:16
Norway plans to build the world's first tunnel for ships, a 1,700-metre passageway burrowed through a piece of rocky peninsula that will allow vessels to avoid a treacherous part of sea.
Posted: 2017-04-07 06:52:35
The Arab Spring offered Syrians hope for political change, but something went horribly wrong, Stan Grant writes.