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2018-05-01 11:34:25
The chief executive of UK supermarket giant Sainsbury's burst into song just hours after announcing the company will buy rival Asda.
2018-05-01 09:08:49
At least one person is dead after an abandoned 26-storey building occupied by squatters in Sao Paulo caught fire and collapsed, sending chunks of fiery debris crashing into neighbouring buildings and surrounding streets.
2018-05-01 05:21:34
Media reports say special counsel Robert Mueller has given a list of almost four dozen questions to US President Donald Trump's lawyers as part of his investigation into Russian meddling in the 2016 US election and whether Mr Trump obstructed justice.
2018-05-01 04:57:43
Actress Ashley Judd files a defamation and sexual harassment lawsuit against film producer Harvey Weinstein, alleging he damaged her movie career after she refused his sexual advances.
2018-05-02 04:40:46
A veterinarian is accused of turning puppies into drug mules for a Colombian trafficking ring by cutting their stomachs open and stitching packets of liquid heroin into their bellies.