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2018-06-04 14:06:04
The AustralianDeparting public service chief faces potential probe into IPA linksThe AustralianAustralian Public Service Commissioner John Lloyd has abruptly resigned 18 months before his term was due to expire but remains exposed to a potential investigation for allegedly breaching the public servi...
2018-06-05 14:05:47
The AustralianANU 'gutless' to reject study of West, says uni boss Greg CravenThe AustralianThe Australian National University's reluctance to host a proposed Western civilisation course is “the greatest act of gutlessness since Trevor Chappell bowled underarm to New Zealand”, says Australian Ca...
2018-06-05 14:01:56
The AustralianHigher education, TAFE: panel to set terms for Labor inquiryThe AustralianThe Labor Party will bring together educators, business and unions in two weeks to set the terms of reference for the sweeping inquiry into post-secondary education it has promised to launch if it wins the next f...
2018-06-05 14:01:00
The AgeTerror suspects slapped with strict gun banThe AgeUp to 10 people on Victoria's terror watch list have been hit with firearm prohibition orders, meaning they can be searched by police at any time without a warrant. The laws, first brought in for gun-toting bikies and drug lords, have now been...
2018-06-05 14:00:28
The AgeBarnbaby Joyce: So many people are now 'paying the price'The AgeTo submit a letter to The Age, email Please include your home address and telephone number. Jacqui Lambie, speaking of Barnaby Joyce on the ABC's Q&A, said: "If you can't keep it in your pants, you're going...