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Sing along to the Phonics song and learn the Alphabets! Lyrics of the song:
" Are you ready children?
A is for Apple,
a-a-a apple,
B is for ball,
b-b-b ball,
Cis for cat,
c-c-c cat,
Lets all sing together the phonics song.
D is for dog,
d-d-d- dog,
E is for elephant,
e-e-e elephant,
F is for frog,
f-f-f frog
Lets all sing together the phonics song.
G is for goat,
g-g-g- goat,
H is for hand,
h-h-h- hand,
I is for igloo,
i-i-i- igloo,
Lets all sing together the phonics song.
J is for jump,
j-j-j- jump,
K is for kangaroo,
k-k-k- kangaroo
L is for lion,
l-l-l- lion,
Lets all sing together the phonics song.
M is for mat,
m-m-m- mat,
N is for net,
n-n-n- net,
O is for Orange,
o-o-o- orange,
Lets all sing together the phonics song.
P is for pet,
p-p-p pet,
Q is for queen,
q-q-q queen,
R is for rabbit,
r-r-r rabbit,
Lets all sing together the phonics song.
S is for sun,
s-s-s sun,
T is for toad,
t-t-t toad,
U is for umbrella,
u-u-u umbrella,
Lets all sing together the phonics song.
V is for violin,
v-v-v violin,
W is for watch,
w-w-w watch,
X is for xylophone,
x-x-x xylophone
Y is for yellow,
y-y-y yellow
Z is for zebra,
z-z-z- zebra,
And here we come to the end of the song,
Lets sing once again the phonics song!"