Posted: 2021-06-14 01:46:52


June 22-July 22

As a born nurturer and sensitive water sign you usually connect with those who either have a similar disposition or are the exact opposite - a reserved veritable rock of Gibraltar. Now though, with Venus, the planet of love, in your sign, you’ll be far more drawn to someone who is a deep thinker and very bright.


July 23-August 22

You’re usually pretty touchy-feely but over the next few weeks you’ll be more coy than usual and will want to keep your feelings of affection under wraps. You may be harbouring secret feelings towards someone but may quite not know how to express them and let the object of your desire know how much you like them.


August 23-September 22

If you’ve been meaning to spend quality time with one of your closest friends in the flesh or via technology today you’ll make it a priority. However, friends who have been taking advantage of you or less than sympathetic are in for a rude shock and a dressing down. Before you do so make sure you have all the facts.


September 23-October 22

Liberians are natural born charmers, and now that ruler Venus has moved into your sector of image and status you’ll be even more charismatic! If you’re single you may become attracted to someone quite a bit older than you or in a position of authority. Similarly you’ll be able to mesmerise those who can help your career.


October 23 – November 22

For someone who likes to know what’s around the corner and be in control of your own destiny you’ll behave in an uncharacteristically spontaneous fashion. The whole world has been going stir crazy but with Venus in your sector of travel you’ll be extra restless. The love planet will also heighten your ingenuity so you’ll discover you own internal getaway.


November 23-December 20

You’re not one for superficiality and today you’ll be even less tolerant. You’ll enjoy being among people with scintillating conversation and intelligent opinions and will have no room for small talk. People who are intense and thought provoking will be particularly attractive. You’ll also be drawn to mysteries - just be careful not to read too much into anything.


December 21-January 19

Your sector of health is getting the VIP treatment from the Sun as well as Mercury. This is the ultimate time to engage and align your body, mind and spirit. Take on a mentally stimulating challenge, immerse yourself in a new physical activity from barre to paddle boarding and commit to meditating on a daily basis.


January 20-February 18

If you haven’t been giving your health as much attention as it deserves over the next month you’ll make a concerted effort to do so. Eat well, get your eight hours and keep moving with whatever form of physical activity keeps you happy. Topped off with meditation and yoga you’ll have a perfect body, mind, spirit alignment.


February 19-March 20

You’ll feel very playful over the next few weeks as cheeky Venus traverses your sector of romance, leisure and physical pleasures! If your love life has been stale this placement will provide the perfect astro aphrodisiac. If you’re single this is the perfect time to meet someone and under the current conditions get to know them first.

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