Being smart with your money has never been more important, especially now. To help keep you at your financial best, we’re running a series of free interactive virtual workshops on the 29th of September, the 21st of October and the 2nd of December. One lucky participant from each session will win $500.
The Financial Glow Up series is part of our partnership with financial provider CUA, giving you the tools you need to get ahead with your finances, covering budgeting, saving and spending. Each workshop will focus on a different overall topic. You can go to all three or choose the one that interests you the most.
CUA is Australia’s largest customer-owned banking organisation and will be sharing banking and finance expertise along with some handy hints at the events.
Toni May creative director and two-time podcast host Laura Byrne will be hosting the events, talking through everything you need to know with finance experts from CUA.
The first session kicks off on Tuesday the 29th of September and will guide you through saving for a home deposit, help with common home loan terms and facts, the importance of an emergency fund and how much it should contain and more.
The next session is all about sustainability and will take place on Wednesday the 21st of October. It’s a guide to going green on a budget, sustainable cost reductions across food, fashion and home, investing in sustainable companies and more.
The third and final session on Wednesday the 2nd of December will explore financial stability, going through managing cash flows, chatting to your partner about finances and how to appropriately plan for the future.
Byrne hosts two podcasts — Life Uncut and Mamamia’s Me After You, along with her work at Toni May.
One lucky attendee will win a CUA everyday bank account with $500 inside at the end of each session.
You can register by clicking the button below. The first session starts at 5:30pm on Tuesday the 29th of September and runs for about 45 minutes.
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