A little over two years later, Johnson is in a hospital ward after spending three nights in intensive care, struck down by a virus that may have spread to humans by the very mammal he was trying to save. The prime minister’s hospitalisation this week has hit Britain’s resolve when it needed inspiration from its larger-than-life leader. It has also exposed a potential flaw in the British system; with its lack of written constitution and codified order of succession for the prime ministership, there is now a leadership vacuum at a time when some of the most important decisions in the nation’s history need to be made. It has left the world without the one leader who could credibly serve as a bridge between US President Donald Trump and Europe. And as the world enters an uncertain and pivotal few months, it has also highlighted the need to spare global leaders from this lethal virus as they try to stop its spread.
As Johnson was rushed to St Thomas' Hospital in central London this week, his foreign secretary Dominic Raab was asked to deputise for him “where necessary”. Raab declined to answer questions about the extent of his powers, which has only served to create more uncertainty in a week when the nation’s death tally soared to more than 7000. The fact that the reins have been handed over to Raab, a relative unknown until a few years ago, is an indictment on the bitter politics of Brexit, of which Johnson cannot escape significant responsibility. Brexit has left a hollowed-out Conservative Party in its wake. If David Cameron went down, the country would have turned to ministerial heavyweights like George Osborne, Theresa May or William Hague to fill the void. Britain now only has one credible leader, and he is still recovering in a hospital bed.
Around the world, governments are taking the threat of their leaders falling victim to COVID-19 seriously. In Australia, there are limits on the amount of people allowed into Prime Minister Scott Morrison’s office and everyone entering must use hand sanitiser. All leadership meetings and all meetings not involving staff employed within the office are conducted on screens rather than in person. Morrison is also receiving regular medical check-ups.
Succumbing to illness at a time of global crisis is not new, but it is the first time it has occurred in generations. Aides to British PM David Lloyd George feared he wouldn't make it to the end of World War I after he fell ill speaking in Manchester, a centre of the Spanish flu epidemic. World War II took such a toll on Australia's John Curtin and US president Franklin D. Roosevelt they didn't survive to see the end of it. Britain's Winston Churchill suffered a heart attack during the height of the war in 1941 and contracted pneumonia two years later, before having a serious stroke in his second spell as prime minister a decade later.
Herve Lemahieu, director of the power and diplomacy program at the Lowy Institute, says Britain’s system of politics had not been designed for a contingency such as this. The order of succession for American presidents is set out in the US constitution, while Australia’s major parties have always had deputy prime ministers who can be called upon by the Governor-General in the event of the leader falling ill. Raab, as “first secretary of state”, would become the British government’s de facto leader if the prime minister could not carry out his duties, but he has only been “deputised” by Johnson.
British Foreign Secretary Dominic Raab leaves 10 Downing Street on Thursday.Credit:Getty Images
“Dominic Raab is notable in terms of his ascent - he was relatively little known and I would argue a second-rate politician that really came to fore only as a result of a whole generation of more experienced and competent politicians within the Tory party having been purged as result of Brexit politics,” Lemahieu says. “Already being foreign secretary was a huge promotion for him. I don't think anyone, least of all Raab and particularly Boris Johnson, ever assumed he would be filling in as prime minister."
Bishop says she was “shocked” to see Johnson was transferred to intensive care this week, and it was “deeply concerning” to have the leader of one of the world’s largest economies “and most significant nations” struck down during the crisis. “What I think we see at present is that not only the British people, but the world at large, want Boris to get healthy as soon as possible,” she says.
“It is vital that nations feel confident that their leaders are healthy and are in charge of coordinating the response effectively to the global pandemic, and a loss of confidence in government would have important implications as people would be more likely to be concerned about the responses that they are being required to undertake that could worsen the crisis.”
According to colleagues who have worked with Johnson, the 55-year-old prime minister has always hated the thought of illness. Perhaps it is this disregard that led him to last month boast about shaking hands with coronavirus victims in hospital. It is the same contempt for mortality that he admires in his hero Churchill. In his 2015 book, The Churchill Factor, Johnson wrote that Britain’s prime minister carried on “through sheer force of will” after his 1953 stroke, insisting on trying to organise a summit between the Americans and Russians. “The story of Churchill’s last years in office is not of some giant red sun, heat gone, sinking slowly out of sight,” Johnson wrote. “He is no volcano puttering himself to extinction. He is Tennyson’s Ulysses - always struggling, striving, seeking: always convinced that some deed of note may yet be done. It is a story of unbelievable courage and willpower - and cunning.”
Boris Johnson pictured chairing a recent COVID-19 meeting remotely.Credit:AP
Bishop says Johnson would find it “very frustrating” to be incapacitated. “He is so full of energy, he is always in a hurry, Boris is always rushing to the next issue, to the next event. His enthusiasm is infectious and I certainly always enjoyed his company,” she says. “He was endlessly entertaining and intellectually challenging, but he is also great company, and he seems to thrive on having ideas and challenges in front of him that he can tackle."
Bishop first met Johnson in 2012 when he was mayor of London, but the two struck up a rapport when they were both in the foreign portfolios. A year before their early-morning jog, they met prior to a press conference in London. Bishop was confronted with Johnson's blond hair in its signature dishevelled state and his French designer necktie askew. “The short part of the tie was at the front of the tie and the big Hermes label was sitting out there and I said: ‘Boris, this will never do, we cannot do a press conference on Brexit with you so obviously displaying a French designer tie’,” Bishop recalls. “He gives the impression that he cares not a jot for his appearance.”
Bishop says Johnson’s “clever wit and sense of humour” belies a deep and serious thinker. She has always warned colleagues not to underestimate Johnson, saying he has a “formidable intellect” and a “very interesting and compelling leadership style”.
The temporary loss of Johnson also means Australia is without one of its biggest fans. The British PM spent his gap year before university as a tutor at Geelong Grammar in 1983. As foreign secretary, he heeded Australia’s calls for Britain to re-engage in the Pacific, creating three new diplomatic posts in the region. Bishop says Johnson is a “great friend of Australia” and has always been a “rock of support” whenever the country has needed it.
On Thursday night, Johnson was moved out of intensive care and was said to be in “extremely good spirits”. It is believed he may need as long as a month to return to work and, even then, may have to return to full duties gradually. Johnson’s illness has reminded the country that this virus doesn’t discriminate and is as potentially crippling for a factory worker in Birmingham as an old Etonian in Downing Street. While the news has shocked Britain, it has also united a bitterly divided nation behind its leader. Through his suffering he has endeared himself to the public in a way no thumping election victory can. It will now fall to him to pick up the country on his shoulders, and once again shuffle forwards.
Anthony is foreign affairs and national security correspondent for The Sydney Morning Herald and The Age.