Posted: Wed, 26 Jun 2019 09:01:29 GMT

Israel Folau’s legal fight to save his rugby career has divided Australia.

The ex-Wallaby claims he’s in the “fight of his life” to be reinstated by Rugby Australia, which pulled his $4 million contract in May after the committed Christian posted a Bible passage on social media and was criticised for being homophobic.

The post said “drunks, homosexuals, adulterers, liars, fornicators, thieves, atheists and idolaters” would go to hell unless they repented.

RELATED: Folau’s message to the haters

His wife, Maria, has made no public statements on her husband’s plight — which he claims is discrimination on religious grounds — but found the spotlight turned her way after she reposted two links to her husband’s fundraising campaign five days ago.

Folau is trying to build a $3 million war chest to support his unfair dismissal case against RA, which he believes could go all the way to the High Court. He’s already raised close to $2 million.

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