"A colleague and I arrived on Gili Trawangan island, which was in the dark without electricity, while it was still experiencing aftershocks.
"Our team helped provide veterinary care to the injured horses and cats on the island and provided urgent food and water for animals on all three of the Gili Islands. We were able to ensure the safety of the animals and the community."
But Dr Zee is equally concerned about the welfare of pets in Australia's cities.
Golden retriever Brenda cools off in a tub of water at Four Paws headquarters in Vienna.Credit:Four Paws
"At times of extreme weather, such as Australia is currently experiencing, there are key considerations that every pet owner must consider to ensure the welfare of their beloved pet," he said.
"Be aware that pets don’t sweat as people do. Dogs and cats can only lose excess body heat by drinking water or panting. They can also lose a small amount of heat through their footpads, but only if they are exposed to cool air or a cool surface.
"You may have noticed your pet move to different parts of the house during the day, and that different pets prefer different places in the house. This is an important way for them to control their body temperature, moving from warmer to cooler or cooler to warmer depending on how they feel," he said.
"Also remember that your pet walks on all four limbs, which puts him or her closer to the source of heat, especially when walking on bitumen or cement surfaces. In direct sunlight, bitumen can reach temperatures of 70 degrees and cement can get up to 63.
"Some Australians may choose to shave their pets during the warmer months but, surprisingly, this is not always the best choice.
"Pets have evolved to thermo-regulate effectively with their fur intact. The coat that keeps the cold from penetrating to the skin also keeps the heat out, so a well-groomed, thick-coated dog will lose their dense under-fur for summer."
In some circumstances, it might be good to give your pet a haircut, Dr Zee said.
"A matted coat does not allow air to circulate and pets who are prone to moist skin infections, or hot spots, might benefit from a shorter haircut. But if your pet spends a lot of time out of doors, it will increase their risk of sunburn.
"Talk to your veterinarian about your particular situation but consider leaving at least an inch of fur to protect against sunburn."
What to do and not do when a heatwave hits
Dr Zee has created a five-step guide for pet owners as the weather warms up again over the weekend.
1. Don’t take your pet in a car as temperatures can rise by as much as 10 degrees in as little as an hour. Simply opening the window slightly does not prevent this temperature rise and pets cannot sweat to cool down.
2. Don’t wet your pet completely to cool it down, particularly if it is already hot or is a thick-coated breed, as this might just trap heat against its body and will increase the risk of moist skin infections. Instead, let the pet rest on a damp towel to cool its belly and feet or, if possible, let it lie in a shallow children's wading pool.
3. Plan outdoor exercise, such as walks, for early morning or evening when it is cooler. If possible, walk your pet in shady or grassy areas where there will be less heat from the pavement.
Don't take your pet a on a long walk immediately after it has been bathing or swimming. Water softens the animal's footpads, making them more prone to burning, especially when it is walking on a hot pavement. Exercising might also cause the pet's temperature to rise and heat might be trapped against the body.
4. Try to keep your pet indoors on very hot days. With parts of Australia reaching the mid-40s or higher, being indoors where it is usually cooler will make a significant difference, particularly if you have airconditioning or fans. Like humans, different animals prefer different temperatures, so being able to provide different temperature zones around the house will also help your pet find where it is most comfortable. If your pet must be outside, be sure to provide plenty of shade for all times of day as the sun moves around.
5. Make sure your pet has plenty of clean, cool water and, where possible, provide ice cubes to chew on or lick.
Symptoms of hyperthermia or heat stroke
If your pet is panting excessively and seems restless, it may be in the early stages of overheating, Dr Zee said. This can progress rapidly to heat stroke, so get your pet to a cool place and provide cool, not cold, water.
Signs that the problem is getting worse include:
* unsteady gait,
* vomiting,
* diaorrhea,
* seizures,
* collapse.
If not treated promptly, these symptoms could lead to multi-organ failure, coma and death, so get your pet to the vet if you note any of these signs.
Steve Jacobs is a senior journalist for The Sydney Morning Herald, The Sun-Herald and smh.com.au. He is also an author and a lawyer.