There are few who really seek true leadership. More often than not they prefer the submissiveness of administrators who will follow without question. It is a style of management vexed by those they perceive as derisive or who threaten their comfort zones. Time and again they are complicit in deflecting the efforts of the rank and file by shoring up the defence of their red tape and political decadence.
This is a short-term outlook for there is no benefit to the bureaucratic team. A “yes” brigade who lack the cohesion and fortitude to deliver whilst sticking to the basics. The group’s agenda is self-preservation at all costs not just of themselves but also the old school tie they serve. The downfall to this cancer is it hinders business from pro-acting to change.
This middle faction of brass resists reform by invoking ambiguity in their quest for mediocrity. An indiscriminate collective who pervert communication from the strategist to the operator. For they have no stake in the vision or place of refuge in an inclusive and dynamic culture.
This produces dreary outlets and the constant flogging of the old-faithful go-to. Not to mention the downward spiral of poor competitor duplication, a tired marketing blueprint and the inevitable disengaged workforce. All wrapped in delusions of grandeur and public deception that all is well.
How many businesses do we see hurtle themselves into areas they have little experience of and even less understanding for? A direct effect of companies who do not have the checks and balances of coordinated leadership, spurred on by inferior guidance and cowardice. This is more common amongst smaller communities with acute skill shortage.
Businesses need to muster the strength to embrace the tenacity and entrepreneurial endeavour of natural leadership. They need to spend the time influencing spirited teams towards innovation and entertainment. Set them free from the constraints of compliance for there is no dearth of bureaucrats to placate the insecurities of the financial ilk. Just as you would not hire a plumber to work on your, teeth why do we ask retailers to count beans?
Leaders inspire a culture that promotes tolerance of scope for the proliferation of spirit. Without courage, a transformation is a mere consequence of action and inaction alike. Be wary of those who prescribe change as a process for improvement or a means to a perceived conclusion, for it is neither.
Leadership is not about power but influence. Effecting meaningful change for the betterment of others through compassion, empathy and integrity. Making a stand in what you believe, despite the current point of view. Saying what needs to be said irrespective of the repercussion.
Savour the instinct. Mentor the purpose. Honour the brave. Drive the objective.
Retail is about people, for people, by people.