The loudest of the voices belong to the boys. They lean over each other, pointing out how raucous they can make their game villains. They race across the room, constantly switching desks. The three girls sit quietly, approaching their games with laser focus.
"You can hear the boys ... they are a little bit loud in here," camp manager James Farrell said, at the very moment one boy ignites the room with a sound comparable to the call of a young magpie.
"The girls are highly capable, yet many aren't interested in coding. This is possibly because of competition. The boys can sometimes be intimidating. But I've found that the girls create the better games. Once they get going, they're the cream of the crop. They are extremely focused."
Coders develop code that creates functional software, from the social media apps on your phone, to the games on your computer, to the website you're reading your news on. As coding is behind the platforms we engage with digitally, skilled coders are in high demand.
Yet in Australia, only 16 per cent of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) professionals are women.
Matilda Bowen playing the game she made during the Code Camp at Holy Spirit Primary School.Credit:Dion Georgopoulos
In this Canberra classroom, the boys might be the excitable birds in the trees, but the girls are there too; staying put, squirrelling away.
Since its launch in 2013, Code Camp has taught 45,000 kids across 200 schools. They currently have a ratio of 37 per cent female and 63 per cent male students, but the goal is to make it an even split, in order to equip more women for "jobs of the future".
Over the past decade alone, entirely new jobs have emerged with advancements in technology.
Social media manager, app developer, SEO specialist, are some of the roles which didn't exist before the turn of the century. And these roles will continue to diversify.
Mr Farrell believes coding education will help students expand on their future education and employment prospects.
"These courses allow children to work through problems, such as the platform offers, plus it has the element of creativity and entrepreneurship.
"So in terms of the future, there are many ways these skills can be applied to jobs."
Mr Farrell is also a teacher at Holy Spirit, teaching computing to 680 students each week. These lessons involve the code.org platform, and are a compulsory part of the curriculum.
One of his students is 10-year-old Matilda Bowen.
Matilda Bowen keeps busy these school holidays by learning to code.Credit:Dion Georgopoulos
Her favourite school subject is languages, and she's a lover of all things Korean. She began learning the language at school two years ago and her favourite K-Pop acts are BTS and BLACKPINK. She was even a finalist in a schools K-Pop dance performance in Sydney.
Matilda tried out Code Camp because her eight-year-old brother wasn't keen on it, but hoped his big sister would test it out first. After the first day, she was hooked. And now he's keen to try it.
"When boys do the coding, they're, well ... not as subtle. They love loud music and use zombie, monster-type of characters in their games. They like gory stuff, and like to make the games quite difficult," Matilda said.
"Whereas the girls will make it a bit more subtle. In mine, I have several levels, and it gradually gets more challenging."
Locals kids as young as five have enrolled in Code Camp courses these school holidays. No experience is required and in three days they learn to use block coding and javascript. It might not sound like typical school holiday fun, but playing video games is certainly involved.
Canberra has proven to be somewhat of a coding hotspot, with the local Code Camp courses attracting more students than anywhere else in Australia.
Serena Coady is a lifestyle reporter at The Canberra Times