
(Wikipedia Commons)
The League of Nations, the forerunner to the United Nations, was described in 1920 by British prime minister David Lloyd George as "the greatest humbug in history".
He may have been right — any organisation setting out to "guarantee peace and security to the nations of the world" would have to be graded poorly by witnesses to World War Two.
But for Australia, a country without an international embassy outside of London, the League would spark big changes at home.
For a group of staunch internationalists, it provided an opportunity for Australia to untie its British apron strings and find its foreign policy voice.
Inspired by the League, in 1920 they set up the Australian League of Nations Union (ALNU).
In the following decades the ALNU pushed Australia into the realm of international diplomacy, challenged the White Australia policy, and reshaped the country's self-image.

Thinking globally
In the years immediately following World War One, ALNU branches began to spring up across the country.
Melbourne University history professor Joy Damousi, who recently co-edited a book on the League's Australian connections, says the ALNU was mostly comprised of "small-L liberals in today's terms".
"It set out to uphold security, international law, and the settlement of disputes through negotiation and disarmament," Professor Damousi told Saturday Extra.
The ALNU wanted to see internationalism filtered through all levels of Australian society.
As historian Hilary Summy recorded in a 2014 essay on the organisation, an annual League of Nations Day was introduced in all government schools.
"Over 300,000 Victorian school children with activities that included mock assemblies, debates, lecturettes, folk exhibitions and pageants," Dr Summy wrote.

The ALNU enjoyed qualified support for its objectives from politicians across the political spectrum.
In 1930, prime minister James Scullin sent a message to the Labor Party's NSW branch, praising the League of Nations and emphasising Australia's role within it.
"Australia is only on the threshold of her life as a nation, but we intend to make a good understanding with all nations the corner-stone of our policy."
When the Spanish Civil War broke out in 1936, ALNU branches advocated for a humanitarian response in concert with Spanish relief aid organisations.
The federal government gifted 3,000 pounds to both sides of the conflict — an impressive allotment when compared to a total defence budget of just over 9,000 pounds.
It was one of the first examples of Australian foreign aid.
The Labor Party was out of power before Europe descended into crisis, but the incoming United Australia Party reflected support for the League of Nations across party political lines.
In a telegram sent to the ALNU in 1939, prime minister Robert Menzies, an otherwise fierce anglophile, expressed support for the League and its work.
"There are many who claim that its efforts have resulted only in failure. But this is not so. The principle of collective security is as strong today as it was in 1919," it read.
Asking the refugee question
The years between 1918 and 1939 — often referred to as the 'inter-war period' — were characterised by a great deal of conflict.
The Spanish Civil War, the Sino-Japanese war, and the Italian invasion of North Africa all unfolded, while a brewing crisis in Germany would spawn World War Two.
One of the key tasks of the League of Nations from its inception in January 1920 was to protect minority groups and offer help to the continuous waves of refugees.
"During the inter-war years the union not only advocated for broadening Australia's refugee intake, they pushed Australia to act with autonomy on the global stage," Professor Damousi said.
"Eventually Australian governments would listen, but not before the calamity and devastation of total war had created a refugee crisis on a scale beyond anyone's imagination and comprehension."
According to Professor Damousi, Australia's own record on this issue reflected its unswerving commitment to the Immigration Act of 1901 — designed to protect a 'white' Australia.
By the early 1930s, as the events in Europe began to escalate, the ALNU set out to directly challenge the White Australia policy, demanding the government take refugees from war zones.
At the time, landing permits were required for non-British immigrants, and were normally given to those who were able to procure an Australian sponsor or provide landing money.
Japan's invasion of China in 1937, an ominous precursor to the Pacific War, became the ultimate trigger for members of ALNU desperate to avoid the world relapsing back into war.
The ALNU, haunted by stories of the Japanese campaign, offered strident support for Chinese refugees, but the government was under no pressure to bring them to Australia.
Instead ALNU's efforts resulted in a round of non-government aid; the China Relief Appeal raised money for much-needed medical supplies.
By the time of the invasion of Czechoslovakia by Germany in 1938, ALNU branches were actively lobbying the federal government.
The League argued that the government should be pressured to accept as many Czech or German refugees as possible.
"It needs little imagination to get some idea of the magnitude of the suffering and distress resulting from the cession of Czech territory to Germany," the ALNU said in a statement in 1938.
The ALNU was involved in initiatives to convene a united front of support for refugees, urging the Australian government to adopt such a stance in international affairs.
They argued that refugees would contribute to Australia's population and employment needs.
"Immigration and the influx of immigrants was seen to be a solution to increasing Australia's productivity and its sparse population," Professor Damousi said.
As Nazi persecution of European Jews intensified, leaders within the Jewish community in Australia joined the ALNU in lobbying the governments to accept refugees.
In 1938 the Australian Government announced that a quota of 15,000 refugees would be received over three years, beginning in 1939 — an unprecedented move.
A new era of diplomacy

While ALNU contributed the foundations of Australia's foreign policy independence, it was ultimately war which dawned a new era of diplomacy.
Australia was forced to loosen its imperial ties as it met its first existential threat when the Japanese Imperial Army crusaded into the South Pacific.
In 1942 — the year of the fall of Singapore — Australia ratified the Statute of Westminster, which gave the dominions of the British Empire the right to have their own foreign policies.
For six years during World War II, the headquarters of the League, the Palace of Nations in Geneva, was largely unoccupied.
At the 1943 Tehran Conference, the Allied powers dissolved the League and created an entirely new structure to replace it — the United Nations.
But amidst all this 'humbug', Australia went on a ground-breaking foray into a permanent diplomatic organisation, and the ALNU etched an internationalist culture into Australian politics.
Topics: foreign-affairs, international-law, international-aid-and-trade, history, world-war-1, world-war-2, unrest-conflict-and-war, government-and-politics, australia, united-kingdom
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