The full list of those honoured in the Queen's birthday list:
For eminent service to chemical engineering, particularly in the field of particle technology, through seminal contributions to photocatalysis, to education as a researcher and academic, and to women in science as a role model and mentor.
For eminent service to the Australian motion picture industry as a film editor, to the promotion and development of the profession, as a role model, and through creative contributions to the nation's cultural identity.
Catherine Margaret BRANSON
For eminent service to the judiciary as a Judge of the Federal Court of Australia, to the law as an advocate for human rights and civil liberties, to judicial administration and professional development, and to governance roles in tertiary education.
For eminent service to biological sciences in the field of pharmacology and toxicology as an academic, author and mentor, through pioneering research into purinergic signalling pathways in mammalian systems, and through medical research.
For eminent service to medicine, particularly in the area of HIV/AIDS research, as a clinician, scientist and administrator, to the development of treatment therapies, and to health programs in South East Asia and the Pacific.
For eminent service to sport, through ambassadorial, mentoring, and non-executive roles with a range of organisations at all levels, and to the community through roles in conservation and motoring associations.
For eminent service to higher education as an academic economist and author, particularly in the fields of Post-Keynesian economics, capital theory and economic thought.
For eminent service to the community through corporate governance roles with charitable, medical research, higher education, nuclear scientific and technology organisations, to the minerals exploration sector, and to women in business.
For eminent service to higher education, particularly to art history and theory and to the advanced study of the contemporary arts, as an academic, author and curator, and as a role model for young art historians.
For eminent service to science, and to higher education, particularly in the fields of polymer chemistry and materials science, through seminal contributions as a research innovator, as a mentor, and to the community.
For distinguished service to Australia-America business relations, particularly in the pharmaceutical field, through roles with multinational and educational organisations.
For distinguished service to multiculturalism, and to business, as a supporter of community education projects for people from linguistically diverse backgrounds, and to cultural harmony and inclusion.
For distinguished service to child health as an academic and researcher, to neo-natal paediatric medicine, and to the Indigenous community of the Northern Territory.
For distinguished service to community health, particularly through harm reduction programs for sex workers and people with substance abuse issues, and to those living with HIV/AIDS.
For distinguished service to the community through philanthropic and fundraising support for medical, sporting, social welfare and cultural organisations, and to urban revitalisation.
For distinguished service to intensive care medicine as a biomedical scientist and researcher, through infrastructure and systems development to manage the critically ill, and as an author.
For distinguished service to Australia-Middle East cultural relations through the preservation of traditional creative and visual arts, and as a textile artist and educator.
For distinguished service to the community as a lexicographer and author, as a facilitator of academic discourse on Australian English language, and to commercial publishing.
Suzanne Kathleen CHAMBERS
For distinguished service to medical research, particularly in the area of psycho-oncology, and to community health through patient care strategies to assist men with prostate cancer.
For distinguished service to the technological sciences, and to engineering, through corporate governance roles, and to the building and construction sector.
For distinguished service to administrative law, and to education, as an academic and author, to public administration and tribunal practice, and to professional bodies.
For distinguished service to the community, and to medical research, particularly in the areas of juvenile diabetes and heart health, and to the Catholic Archdiocese of Sydney.
For distinguished service to science, and to engineering, as a researcher in the field of hearing loss assessment, electrophysiology, and rehabilitation, and to improved auditory technologies.
For distinguished service to the energy supply sector, particularly in Queensland, through planning and delivery programs, to infrastructure management, and to the community.
For distinguished service to the mining and infrastructure sectors through financial advisory roles, to public policy development and reform, and to not-for-profit organisations.
For distinguished service to the international community of Thailand through humanitarian assistance programs for the disadvantaged, and to improving the lives of women, children and the elderly.
Christopher Kincaid FAIRLEY
For distinguished service to community health, particularly in the area of infectious and sexually transmitted diseases, as a clinician, researcher and administrator, and to medical education.
For distinguished service to people with a disability, as a supporter of, and fundraiser for, Indigenous athletics and charitable organisations, and as a Paralympic athlete.
For distinguished service to the community, particularly in Western Australia, through roles with veterans' welfare, business, legal and not-for-profit organisations, and to social justice.
For distinguished service to education in the field of applied economics, as an academic, administrator and author, and to policy development, particularly taxation reform.
For distinguished service to people who are blind or have low vision, particularly in the area of special education, and to policy development and practice on inclusiveness and standards.
For distinguished service to the media and television industries as a writer, producer, actor and presenter, to children living with cancer, and as a supporter of young people with autism spectrum disorders.
For distinguished service to science in the field of biotechnology research and commercialisation, through advisory roles, and to professional scientific associations.
For distinguished service to higher education, particularly in the area of childhood studies, as an academic, researcher and author, and to child protection.
Catherine Elizabeth GRENVILLE
For distinguished service to the literary arts as an author, to the tertiary education sector, to professional societies, and as an advocate for the publishing industry.
For distinguished service to the international community, particularly with humanitarian disaster assistance missions, and the environmental health profession.
For distinguished service to education, and to the community, in the area of public health care, evidence-based practice, and equity, as an academic and researcher, and to refugees.
For distinguished service to the community through philanthropic contributions to education, cultural, social welfare, and child cancer support organisations, and to business.
For distinguished service to the Australian fashion industry as a textile artist and clothing designer, and as a teacher and mentor of Indigenous artists in northern Australia.
For distinguished service to the arts, and to higher education, as an academic, through pioneering contributions to architecture, technology, the sciences, and engineering, and to rural and urban design.
For distinguished service to higher education, particularly to marine ecology and ecotoxicology, as an academic, researcher and administrator, and to scientific institutes.
For distinguished service to the Australian fashion industry as a textile artist and clothing designer, and through contributions to the environment and conservation.
For distinguished service to primary industry through roles in agricultural research administration, to the minerals and natural resources sector, and to science-industry linkages and policy.
For distinguished service to Australia-Papua New Guinea relations through the development and delivery of maternal health medical assistance programs.
For distinguished service to surveying, particularly in the Antarctic, to polar exploration, research and mapping expeditions, and to professional scientific societies.
For distinguished service to public administration, particularly through mental health reform, to environmental protection and natural resource management, and to food standards.
For distinguished service to international relations, particularly in promoting understanding between Indonesia and Australia, as an academic, and to legal education in Islamic law.
For distinguished service to architecture and landscape design, particularly through urban infrastructure projects, and to environmental sustainability in planning.
For distinguished service to medicine, particularly to renal transplant surgery and organ preservation, to accreditation and professional standards, as an academic, author and clinician.
For distinguished service to medical education, as an academic in immunology, and through research into immune systems response to viruses.
For distinguished service to medical research in gastroenterology and hepatology, particularly through the development of treatments for viral infections, and to the biopharmaceutical industry.
For distinguished service to the community through philanthropic support for arts programs and cultural institutions, and to a range of charitable organisations.
For distinguished service to public administration through diplomatic roles and bilateral trade agreements, and to fostering cultural and strategic partnerships with Japan.
For distinguished service to the Australian and Tasmanian Parliaments, and through domestic and global contributions to the protection and preservation of the natural environment.
For distinguished service to the building and construction sector, particularly in the areas of project procurement and industry standards, through executive roles, and as a mentor of women.
For distinguished service to the international community through financial policy, particularly to the Pacific region through advisory roles in fiscal responsibility and economic reform.
For distinguished service to the community of New South Wales through leadership in fire-fighting, to the emergency response sector, and to gender equity in recruitment.
John (Jock) Stephen MURRAY
For distinguished service to the transport, infrastructure and freight industries, through roles in policy direction, planning and implementation, and to Jesuit education.
For distinguished service to community health as a psychologist, particularly to understanding mental health disorders, and to establishing specialised treatment and support services.
For distinguished service to medicine, and to Australia-Mongolia relations, particularly through the provision of surgical and anaesthetic care, and to health education and standards.
For distinguished service to arts administration through festival leadership and governance, to the tourism sector in Victoria, and to the promotion of Australian comedy.
For distinguished service to medicine, particularly through strategic leadership in the development of tertiary medical and social education in Western Australia as an academic and clinician.
Alice Dorothy (Alitya) RIGNEY
For distinguished service to education, particularly through providing opportunities for youth, and to the promotion and protection of Indigenous language, culture and heritage.
For distinguished service to laser physics and nano-optics as a researcher, mentor and academic, to the promotion of educational programs, and to women in science.
For distinguished service to medical education in the field of surgical oncology, to the diagnosis and management of breast cancer and melanoma, as an academic, researcher and clinician.
Roberta Barkworth SHEPHERD
For distinguished service to education, specifically to paediatric physiotherapy and stroke rehabilitation, as an academic and author, and to professional medical bodies.
For distinguished service to Australia-America relations through the promotion and facilitation of dialogue and information exchange across government, business and community sectors.
For distinguished service to the finance and investment sector, as an advisor to financial regulatory bodies, and through philanthropic support for cultural and charitable groups.
For distinguished service to education in the field of organic chemistry, specifically to nuclear magnetic resonance, as an academic and researcher, and to scientific institutions.
For distinguished service to education as an academic and researcher, and to Australia-Indonesia relations through public health improvement projects.
Christian Andrew THOMPSON
For distinguished service to the visual arts as a sculptor, photographer, video and performance artist, and as a role model for young Indigenous artists.
For distinguished service to medicine in the field of familial cancer genetics, as a clinician, researcher and author, to medical education, and to professional bodies.
For distinguished service to medical education in the field of clinical pharmacology and the genetics of epilepsy, and to the promotion of humanitarian values.
For distinguished service to medicine, particularly in the disciplines of obstetrics and gynaecology, as an academic and clinician, and to professional organisations.
For distinguished service to tertiary education as an academic and researcher, particularly to far eastern history and the study of the Chinese diaspora, and to the enhancement of Australia-Asia relations.
For distinguished service to private and public sector administration through executive roles, to policy development and reform, to cross sector collaboration, to equity, and to business.
For distinguished service to science, and to global human and animal health, and through biopharmaceutical research and technological advances.
For distinguished service to tertiary education in the field of action research and learning as an academic, author and mentor, and to professional bodies.
For distinguished service to the Royal Australian Navy in significant command positions.
For distinguished service in the appointments of Head Modernisation and Strategic Plans - Army, Commander Forces Command and significant contributions to the Australian Army and modernisation as part of the joint Australian Defence Force for Australia's interests.
For distinguished service in the appointments of Head Land Systems Division, Commander of the 1st Division and significant contributions to Army strategic command and control capabilities within the Australian Defence Force.
For significant service to the community through executive roles with a range of health organisations, to education, and to the accountancy profession.
Leonard Hastings AINSWORTH
For significant service to business and manufacturing, and to the community through philanthropic contributions.
For significant service to people who are deaf or hard of hearing through national and international leadership and advocacy roles.
For significant service to education through roles in the development of public policy and accreditation standards.
Dianne Elizabeth ANDERSON
For significant service to the community through support for not-for-profit choral societies and music events.
For service to community health, and to public administration in New South Wales, as a clinician, manager and health service executive.
For significant service to veterans and their families, particularly through commemorative events in Western Australia.
For significant service to the performing arts, particularly through music composition, performance and education.
For significant service to medicine in the field of obstetrics and gynaecology as a clinician and researcher.
For significant service to the entertainment industry through promoting, preserving and documenting popular music culture.
For significant service to tertiary education in the visual and creative arts, particularly through advancing scholarship and research opportunities.
For significant service to women through roles advancing gender equality, particularly in local government.
For significant service to the community through social and aged welfare organisations, and to the Uniting Church in Australia.
For significant service to medicine in the field of cardiology, and to the diagnosis and treatment of heart disease in Timor-Leste.
For significant service to the Indigenous community through the development of entrepreneurial initiatives and business programs.
For significant service to the community through support and philanthropic contributions to social welfare and arts organisations.
For significant service to the Presbyterian Church of Australia as a parish minister, overseas missionary and national moderator.
For significant service to equestrian sports as a competitor and coach, and to the horse industry as a commentator and administrator.
For significant service to the community through a range of roles, to business, and to the retail industry.
For significant service to business and commerce, to politics in Western Australia, and to women.
For significant service to sport through management and community development, and as an advocate for health and water safety initiatives.
For significant service to science and research as a botanist, to documenting Australian flora, and to professional societies.
For significant service to the vocational training and education sector, to philanthropy, and to the people and Parliament of Victoria.
For significant service to emergency medicine as a clinician, author and educator, and to professional organisations.
For significant service to medicine in the field of nephrology, and to medical research, particularly hypertension in pregnancy.
For significant service to sports administration, to women as an advocate for greater participation in sport, and to the Olympic movement.
For significant service to the Crown, and to public administration in Western Australia.
For significant service to business, particularly to improving standards of corporate governance across the private, public and not-for-profit sectors.
For significant service to basketball as a senior executive and administrator, and as an advocate for gender equality in development and competition.
For significant service to library and information management through initiatives to develop access to global and Indigenous resources.
For significant service to the music industry as a singer, songwriter, performer, mentor and producer, and to professional associations.
For significant service to the community through a range of social welfare initiatives and policy reforms, and to the Catholic Church in Australia.
For significant service to the community through a range of roles in the disability and the not-for-profit sectors, and to politics and public policy.
For significant service to community health through workplace health and safety reforms and ergonomic policy development.
For significant service to medicine in the field of paediatrics, particularly the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of rheumatic heart disease.
For significant service to the performing arts through contributions to musical theatre as a conductor and musical director.
For significant service to education through a range of senior academic roles, and to providing tertiary opportunities in regional areas.
For significant service to medicine in the field of paediatric rheumatology, and to medical research and treatment of musculoskeletal pain.
For significant service to medicine in the field of oncology, particularly breast cancer support, diagnosis and treatment.
For significant service to the performing arts in executive roles, particularly in Western Australia, and to support for young artists.
For significant service to medicine in the field of endocrinology and neuroendocrinology, and to medical research into reproductive biology.
McKenzie Alexander CLEMENTS
For significant service to tertiary education through mathematics research and instruction as an academic, author and mentor.
For significant service to dentistry through executive roles with professional bodies at state and national level.
For significant service to medicine in the field of anaesthesia as a clinician, teacher, mentor and historian.
For significant service to the resources sector, particularly the natural gas industry, through executive positions and advisory roles.
For significant service to parliament and politics in Queensland, and to women in rural and regional communities.
For significant service to the law and to the legal profession in the Australian Capital Territory.
For significant service to the law particularly to legal aid services, to education, and to the community.
For significant service to the community through social welfare organisations in the government and not-for-profit sectors, and to women.
For significant service to tertiary education, particularly through higher learning opportunities for young people in rural areas.
For significant service to agriculture through research into land degradation and sustainable farming practices.
For significant service to business education through commercial marketing techniques to deliver positive social outcomes.
For significant service to the Catholic Church in Australia, and to education.
For significant service to the law, and to the judiciary, to education, and to the community.
Elizabeth (Libby) Maria DAVIES
For significant service to the community through leadership and advisory roles with a range of social welfare organisations.
For significant service to business in the not-for-profit sector through promoting corporate social responsibility, and to the community.
For significant service to nursing through clinical, administrative and international advisory roles, and to nurse education.
For significant service to the community through contributions to the economic and social development of the Northern Territory in a range of executive roles.
For significant service to the community of South Australia through a range of voluntary organisations, and to the Anglican Church of Australia.
For significant service to medicine in the field of gastroenterology as a senior clinician and researcher, and to professional associations.
For significant service to football as an administrator, player and coach, and as an ambassador for elite player development and junior participation.
For significant service to the community through equitable access in tertiary education.
For significant service to community health, particularly in Western Australia, through support for people living with coeliac disease.
For significant service to the law and the judiciary, to the provision of legal services to the Australian Defence Force, to education, and to the community.
For significant service to business and commerce through corporate governance and leadership roles in the public and private sectors.
For significant service to sports science as a teacher and researcher specialising in the fields of biomechanics and physical education.
For significant service to the visual arts and to the museums and galleries sector as an administrator and curator.
For significant service to the visual arts through leadership roles with art galleries, and to children's art education programs.
For significant service to the judiciary as a Judge of the Supreme Court of Tasmania, to legal education, and to professional law societies.
For significant service to dentistry, to the Indigenous community of the Northern Territory, and to agricultural and horticultural associations.
For significant service to the community through philanthropic contributions and social welfare roles, and to animal protection.
Christine Roslind FERGUSON
For significant service to the community of Gundagai, to local government, and to parliament and politics in New South Wales.
For significant service to medicine in the field of gastrointestinal surgery as a clinician, educator, researcher, and leader in health service delivery.
For significant service to the community through philanthropic support for a range of charitable organisations and foundations.
For significant service to the mining industry, particularly through the promotion of greater gender diversity in the sector.
Christopher John FREELAND
For significant service to the arts in New South Wales particularly to the film industry, to business education, and to the community.
For significant service to local government, and to the community of Melbourne.
For significant service to medical research in the field of surgical pathology as an academic, author, adviser, and mentor.
For significant service to community health in Queensland through governance roles in developing hospital infrastructure in the not-for-profit sector.
For significant service to tertiary education in the field of environmental science, and to conservation through resource management committees.
For significant service to the law, to legal education, particularly support for Indigenous students, and to the arts through governance and philanthropy.
For significant service to the print media as a journalist, editor and business analyst, and to education through school governance roles.
For significant service to medicine in the field of pain management as a clinician, academic and mentor, and to professional societies.
For significant service to sports administration and stadium management in Victoria through executive roles.
For service to the Crown, and to public administration in Queensland.
For significant service to the Indigenous community through contributions to education and cultural preservation in East Arnhem Land.
For significant service to medicine in the field of ophthalmology, particularly age related macular degeneration as a clinician, academic and researcher.
For significant service to hockey as an international umpire, and to professional development of officials.
For significant service to netball as a player, national captain, coach, commentator, board member and player's advocate.
For significant service to hockey as a senior administrator, to Australian rules football, and to sport in Western Australia.
For significant service to the law and the judiciary, and to the people and Parliament of New South Wales through a range of ministerial roles.
For service to education through executive roles, to creating greater opportunities for Indigenous students, and to professional associations.
For significant service to medicine in the field of ophthalmology, and to Indigenous eye health in the Northern Territory.
For significant service to music as a concert violinist, artistic director, mentor and educator.
For significant service to the performing arts through advisory roles, to theatre as a playwright, and through contributions to Australian cultural life.
For significant service to science in the discipline of chemistry, to professional societies, and to sport through illicit drug profiling.
For significant service to medicine as an anaesthesiologist and physician, to medical research into sleep disorders, and to professional organisations.
For significant service to medicine in the field of ophthalmology through the development of clinical care techniques and eye disease management.
For significant service to community health through cancer support and awareness programs, and to rugby union, particularly to player welfare.
For significant service to oenology, to the development of the Australian wine industry, and as a promoter of the Margaret River region.
For significant service to the Indigenous community of Western Australia through developing opportunities, promoting leadership and preserving culture.
For significant service to education, and to cricket as a player, captain, coach, and national selector.
For service to the performing arts, particularly to opera, through a range of governance roles, and as a patron and benefactor.
For significant service to conservation and the environment, particularly whale research in Western Australia.
For significant service to conservation and the environment, particularly whale research in Western Australia.
For significant service to business and commerce, particularly through the commercial property industry, and to charitable causes.
For significant service to community health as an advocate for support for people with a mental illness, and their carers and families.
For significant service to medicine, and to medical education, in the field of paediatric allergy and immunology as a clinician, academic and researcher.
For significant service to the Jewish community of Victoria, particularly in the area of aged care, and to sports administration.
For significant service to medicine, particularly gastroenterology, and through innovative substance abuse treatment programs.
For significant service to the Indigenous community of western Queensland, and to education and housing initiatives.
For significant service to politics and government in the Northern Territory, and to conservation and the environment.
For significant service to the Indigenous communities of the East Pilbara, particularly to women and children affected by domestic violence.
For significant service to the performing arts as a musician, composer, producer and musical director, and to the community.
For significant service to the visual arts, particularly through administrative, fundraising and philanthropic roles, and to heritage preservation.
For significant service to the visual arts, particularly through administrative, fundraising and philanthropic roles, to heritage preservation, and to the community.
For significant service to people with a disability through a range of organisations, to policy development and social statistics, and to the community.
For significant service to the community of Victoria, particularly through charitable organisations, to business, and to the promotions and marketing sector.
For significant service to the community of Tasmania, particularly through the establishment and management of regional development initiatives.
For significant service to the people and Parliament of the Northern Territory, and to the community through leadership in advisory roles.
For significant service to the building and construction industry through professional organisations, to academia, and to the Anglican Church of Australia.
For significant service to primary industry in South Australia, particularly through the administration of pastoral and wool organisations.
For significant service to respiratory and sleep medicine as a clinician-researcher, administrator, and mentor, and to professional medical organisations.
For significant service to the community through charitable organisations at a regional, national and international level.
For significant service to pharmacy as a researcher, educator and administrator, and to professional medical and scientific organisations.
For significant service to secondary education, particularly in the disciplines of science and astronomy.
For significant service to psychology as a researcher, advisor and administrator, to education, and to professional organisations.
For significant service to health education and research, particularly through the study of molecular genetics and hypertension, and to professional organisations.
For significant service to electricity supply in Victoria through industry reform and restructuring, to education, and to the community of Gippsland.
For significant service to the visual arts as photography curator, and as an author and researcher, particularly of Southeast Asian photography.
For significant service to the community of Warrnambool through contributions to local government, tertiary education, sport, health and social welfare.
For significant service to nursing, particularly to neonatal paediatrics, as a clinician and administrator, to education, and to the history of nursing in Tasmania.
For significant service to education in the disciplines of business studies and economics, and to community and charitable organisations.
For significant service to medicine, particularly as a colorectal surgeon, and as an educator, clinician and administrator of medical organisations.
For significant service to medicine through the leadership and administration of professional medical organisations, and to education.
For significant service to education and to the community, particularly as a researcher and advocate for the welfare of women and children.
For significant service to the community, particularly as an advocate for the advancement of women's rights in the Asia-Pacific region.
For significant service to medicine in the field of gynaecology and women's health as a clinician and educator, and to the community.
For significant service to architecture as a practitioner, to education, and to heritage preservation in Queensland.
For significant service to oenology as a winemaker, to the development of the Australian wine industry, and to the promotion of the Hunter region.
For significant service to architecture, and to the building and construction industry, as a leader and administrator of professional organisations.
For significant service to the international community through the leadership and administration of foreign aid programs.
For significant service to health education, particularly through genetic counselling, and to the community through professional health organisations.
For significant service to the legal profession as a leader and advisor to professional judicial organisations, and as an educator.
For significant service to urban and regional planning and design, to public administration, and to local government.
For significant service to the judiciary and to the legal profession as a judge and as an advocate and mentor for juvenile and Indigenous justice issues.
For significant service to the people and Parliament of Australia, to the aviation industry, and to the community.
For significant service to business, particularly through leadership and administrative roles in the telecommunications industry.
For significant service to emergency medicine as a clinician, educator and administrator, and to professional medical organisations.
For significant service to education, particularly in the field of physics, as an academic and researcher, and to professional scientific organisations.
For significant service to medicine, particularly in the field of palliative care, as a clinician and educator.
For significant service to the community of South Australia through not-for-profit organisations, and to Australia-United Kingdom relations.
For significant service to the broadcast media industry, particularly to film and television, through administrative roles, and to the community.
For significant service to the people and Parliament of Victoria, to Australia-China relations, and to the community.
For significant service to medicine in the fields of gastrointestinal and melanoma surgery, to medical education, and to professional organisations.
For significant service to medicine in the field of orthopaedics, as a clinician and administrator, and to medical education.
Domenico (Dominic) SPAGNOLO
For significant service to medicine, particularly in the field of pathology, as a clinician, and to medical education as a researcher and author.
For significant service to international relations in senior investigative roles with the United Nations and the World Bank.
For significant service to medicine in the field of environmental carcinogenesis, as a researcher and advocate, and to professional medical organisations.
For significant service to the community through support for charitable organisations, and to the automotive industry.
For significant service to the people and Parliament of New South Wales, to Australia-China business relations, and to the community.
For significant service to women in regional and remote areas, to politics and public policy, and to the community of Yass.
For significant service to the mining industry as a metallurgist, as a role model for female engineers, and to the community of Tasmania.
For significant service to education, particularly through comparative social history, as an academic, author, and researcher, and to the community.
For significant service to business, particularly to consumer rights, investment and health agencies, and to conservation.
For significant service to the community through leadership of charitable organisations, to veterans, and to business.
For significant service to medicine as a urologist and urogynaecologist, to medical education, and to the community.
For significant service to medicine as a plastic and reconstructive surgeon, to health initiatives in South East Asia, and to professional organisations.
For significant service to medical research, particularly to research ethics, to education, and to professional organisations.
For significant service to the community through leadership of social welfare organisations, and through support for victims of domestic violence.
For significant service to community health, particularly to people with diabetes, through administrative and leadership roles, and to accounting.
For significant service to medicine in the field of molecular bioscience, to cell biology and genome research, and to education.
Claire Elizabeth WAINWRIGHT
For significant service to medicine as a respiratory clinician, and for leadership into the study of cystic fibrosis.
For significant service to public administration, particularly to transport and infrastructure planning and development in Western Australia, and to the community.
For significant service to education as an academic in the field of Australian studies, and to international relations.
David Allan Kilpatrick WATTERS
For significant service to medicine and medical education in endocrine and colorectal surgery, and through leadership roles with professional organisations.
For significant service to the community through advocacy roles to improve the safety and education for people who interact and work with horses.
For significant service to the multicultural community of Queensland through a range of organisations, and to the promotion of gender diversity.
For significant service to people with a disability, particularly through sporting organisations, and as an athlete and paralympian.
For significant service to conservation and the environment as an ecologist, biologist, author and wildlife refuge custodian.
For significant service to the judiciary, and to the law, to Indigenous access to justice initiatives, and to cultural diversity.
For significant service to medicine, and to medical research, in the field of respiratory disease, and to professional organisations.
For significant service to aged welfare as an advocate for human rights and health initiatives, and to the Uniting Church in Australia.
For significant service to the tourism industry in North Queensland through roles as an advisor and tour operator, to sport, and to the community.
For significant service to the Indigenous community of New South Wales, particularly in the areas of health and welfare, and to sport.
For significant service to rural and regional development, to the advancement of Indigenous welfare, and to the Parliament of Australia.
For significant service to the community of Tasmania through a range of conservation and animal welfare organisations, and to women.
For exceptional service to the Royal Australian Navy and Defence in senior management.
For exceptional service to the Australian Army in the field of specialist military engineering between 2003 and 2017.
For exceptional service to the Australian Army in the fields of Aviation Medicine and Health.
For exceptional service to the Australian Defence Force as Commanding Officer 3rd Combat Service Support Battalion and as a Staff Officer in the Office of the Chief of the Defence Force and Army Headquarters.
For exceptional service as Commander Combat Training Centre, Commanding Officer of 4th Regiment, Royal Australian Artillery and as acting Commander 3rd Brigade.
For exceptional service as Chief of Future Operations Headquarters Regional Command South in Afghanistan, Director Exercise Planning at Headquarters Joint Operations Command, Director General Modernisation Army and for contributions to the development of Australian Defence Force capabilities.
For exceptional performance of duty in the field of mental health leadership, strategy and reform for the Australian Defence Force.
For exceptional service to soldiering within the Australian Defence Force in senior Regimental Sergeant Major appointments, culminating in the appointment of Regimental Sergeant Major of the Army.
For exceptional service as the Deputy Commander of Joint Task Force 633 National Command Headquarters for all Australian Forces in the Middle East, while deployed on Operation ACCORDION from July 2016 to April 2017.
For exceptional service as Deputy and Chief of Staff of Army Headquarters, and Director General Personnel - Army and for contributions to Army's personnel capability.
For exceptional service to the Australian Defence Force in air combat capability development.
For service to the multicultural community of Far North Queensland.
For service to the community of Warrandyte.
For service to the sport of full-bore shooting.
For service to the performing arts through country music.
For service to the Australian Baptist Ministries.
For service to the community through social welfare organisations.
For service to local government, and to the community of Walkerville.
For service to the community through the Anglican Church of Australia.
For service to medicine, particularly in the field of general practice.
For service to the community of Cessnock.
For service to the community of Salisbury, and to local government.
For service to surf lifesaving.
For service to the preservation of rail transport history, and to youth.
For service to the welfare of veterans, and to the community.
For service to the Uniting Church in Australia through a range of voluntary roles.
For service to women in the Northern Territory.
For service to medicine through a range of roles with professional organisations, and as a general practitioner.
For service to conservation and the environment.
For service to the visual arts.
For service to emergency medicine.
For service to Australian rules football, and to cricket.
For service to the Anglican Church of Australia, and to the community.
For service to the community through hospital support.
For service to the community through charitable support.
For service to sport in a range of roles.
For service to the Jewish community.
For service to war widows, and to the community.
For service to the performing arts and music education.
For service to aged welfare.
For service to rugby union.
For service to the community, and to Australia-Timor Leste relations.
For service to medicine through a range of roles.
For service to people with a disability.
For service to charitable organisations, and to sailing.
For service to the community of Woodgate.
For service to the television broadcast industry, and to the community.
For service to the performing arts, particularly through country music.
For service to the community through a range of roles.
For service to education in Queensland.
For service to the community, and to pipe bands.
For service to horse sports.
For service to civil engineering.
For service to geology, marine biology, and to the community.
For service to women, and to the Jewish community.
For service to medicine in the field of gastroenterology.
For service to the Maltese community, and to education.
For service to athletics.
For service to the performing arts through administrative and executive roles.
For service to the Crown through administration of the Australian honours system.
For service to vocational training.
For service to veterans and their families.
For service to the print media, and to the community of Temora.
For service to music through community ensembles.
For service to the community of Warwick.
For service to the broadcast media industry.
For service to veterans and their families.
For service to veterans and their families.
For service to medicine, particularly to vascular surgery.
For service to rugby league, and to industrial relations.
For service to rugby league, and to touch football.
For service to the performing arts, and to the community of Wangaratta.
For service to veterans and their families.
For service to the community through a range of organisations.
For service to the community of Ebenezer.
For service to the community of Ebenezer.
For service to veterans and their families.
For service to animal welfare.
For service to the performing arts, particularly through music.
For service to music through brass bands, and to the community.
For service to education in Western Australia.
For service to veterans and their families.
For service to the community through a range of charitable organisations.
Helen Elizabeth BUCKINGHAM
For service to the community of Victoria.
For service to the community.
For service to the Uniting Church in Australia.
For service to local government, and to the community of Gundaroo.
For service to community celebrations.
For service to the community through a range of orga