YouTuber Nem can probably tell you everyone in this photo in order with his eyes closed.
Marvel StudiosAvengers: Infinity War has earned $1.9 billion worldwide. A chunk of that has come from one man.
Tony "Nem" Mitchell, a rapper, gamer and YouTuber, has seen the Marvel movie 46 times as of Friday.
Is he sick of it? "No! Not in the slightest!" he told CNET in an email. "I am totally enthralled with this film from start to finish." And by now, he knows it well. "The other night I tried to recite the dialogue to a friend (my signed Stan Lee figurine), and I got about 33 percent of the way into the movie," he said. "But if I'm actually in the theater, I can mouth the entire movie word-for-word right along with the film."
Mitchell has been chronicling his theater trips on Twitter, complete with photos.
About three times a week Mitchell sees the film twice in the same day, other days he just goes once a day.
"Maybe one of these days I might stay in the theater all day and watch all of the showings," he said.
He usually sees the film at the Northlake Mall AMC theater near his home in Charlotte, North Carolina, though on weekends he visits the Concord Mills AMC, "because the crowd at Northlake on the weekends are a little too rambunctious." (AMC should feel free to sponsor him, he notes.)
His wife accompanied him for the first three showings, then he started going alone.
"Just recently we decided that it was OK for the kids to see it," he said. "My boys loved it, but my 9-year-old said she hated it. She cried because you-know-what happens at the end."
The ante was officially upped on Thursday, when Imax gave Mitchell 50 free tickets so he could continue his streak.
And even better than that, directors Joe and Anthony Russo told Mitchell they'd get him a free ticket to the Avengers 4 premiere in 2019. They've also invited Mitchell and his family to be guests on the set this fall when they reshoot some scenes for the film, he said.
Naturally, he celebrated by seeing the movie again.
Although the Avengers 4 reshoots are months away and the premiere is a year off, he's already excited -- and thankful.
"Hopefully there will be drinks to calm my nerves if I see Josh Brolin, Chadwick Boseman or Stan Lee," he said. "But, in all seriousness, after talking to Joe and Anthony Russo, I can tell that they are genuinely good dudes... I'm totally grateful for the opportunity they've given me."
When will he stop seeing Infinity War? When he reaches a certain number of showings that he's not yet revealing.
"I have a set number in my mind that I'm trying to achieve," he said. "After mapping it out, I plan on watching the movie multiple times a day per week in order to reach the goal. I want to set, and keep, the record of watching the same movie in the cinema during its theatrical release. So I need to get as many viewings in as I can before it's distributed on digital platforms on July 31. Which is also cool, because it's right around my birthday."
And he's got some thoughts about how Avengers 4 will wrap up this series of Marvel films.
"I believe it's going to be an end of an era," he said. "A 10-year legacy that has truly captured the heart and minds of fans all across the world, including this one."
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