Get the umbrellas ready — Perth is set for a weekend of wet weather.
A complex storm front on Saturday night and into Sunday will drench the state with up to 50 millimetres of rainfall, possible thunderstorms and gusty winds reaching 90 kilometres per hour.
Bureau of Meteorology senior forecaster James Ashley said the storm front would cause Perth to hit the halfway mark for the average June rainfall of 173 millimetres in just two days.
"We're going to have a pretty rainy period Saturday night until about lunchtime on Sunday," he said.
"About 1:00pm, the wet weather will pass and it will clear up. But between 7:00 tonight and 1:00 tomorrow afternoon, the Perth area is likely to see falls of 20 to 50 millimetres or more with the passage of that system.
"I'd expect coastal parts of the metropolitan area will see winds of up to 80km an hour easing as they get further inland."
Mr Ashley said while the rain would be heavy at times, it would not be enough to cause significant flooding.
"There's no warning out for this system for heavy rainfall or for damaging winds," he said.
"Gusty winds, heavy rainfall is the order of the day for the next 12 to 18 hours, but this is a fairly normal wintertime front producing heavy falls in the lower-west and south-west of the state, easing off as they head further inland into the Wheatbelt."
After Sunday Perth's weather is set to clear up, with no heavy showers forecast for the next week.
First posted