Posted: 2018-06-09 00:05:51

Wow. Episode two did not disappoint, and we got a good taste for all the drama to expect this season. And you know everything you need to know about this season, so it's time to set your fantasy bracket. Remember: brackets close at 4 p.m. PT on Mondays! This is an integral part of the entire experience that lets you predict the winner, then rage when they don't win (Oh, Peter. I put all of my money on you!) or scream with joy when you were right. 

So let's get into predictions, and the men I'm going to place my bets on for this season. And let me know if you don't agree with my picks, I do want to know who you are betting on!   

Who you should be the most excited about

  • Blake: Blake is still so cute. After episode two, I am even more convinced that this boy will make it to the final two, if not win the whole thing. Their one on one showed off their amazing chemistry (that kiss!) he seems to genuinely like and appreciate her, and she seems completely smitten with him. Every time he was onscreen during episode two, you could see Becca light up. He's my No. 1 seed pick.
  • David: This boy is bringing his A-game. Episode two with David did not disappoint and I'm very, very excited about this one. I also love how much fun he is, and how unguarded Becca is around him. I also love how positive he is, he's so upbeat about this entire process. He's my No. 2 seed pick.  
  • Lincoln: I'm not sure where to put this one. I still really really like him but he was definitely coming on too strong during episode two. I didn't like that whole "competition" he had with Connor, and while I can't support Connor's decision to throw the picture, I do get where he was coming from.  Something is up with Lincoln but I still like him, and I'm still rooting for him. Don't @ me. 
  • Connor: OK, yes, he shouldn't have thrown the picture, and he should've chilled out. BUT I like how he made a joke and had Becca throw his picture, and I like his attitude. I'm really rooting for him to be the underdog who all of sudden stays on longer than we think.  
  • Jason T.: So he hasn't wooed me yet, but he has clearly wooed Becca. I'm keeping him at the top because it seems like Becca really likes him, though I can't see it. 
  • Colton: I have to downgrade this boy to "Boys to keep your eye on." Which hurts. Scroll down to see why I downgraded him.
  • Ryan: I'm demoting Ryan to a boy I'm not sure of. This week he's off my radar, let's hope he makes it back on!

Clay, Connor, David, Jean Blanc, Nick and Jordan are getting down and dirty soon.

Paul Hebert/ABC

The drama/boys to keep your eye on

  • Jean Blanc: My initial thoughts about him remain even after winning the Group Date Rose, I have my eye on this guy. I can't explain it, but after six years of watching all the Bachelor Nation shows, guys like Jean Blanc always make me uneasy. His confidence is admirable, and his backstory is genuine, but there's something. I can't put my finger on it yet. But it's there. 
  • Jordan: Clearly this homie needs a reality check. I can't even deal with him, but we all know he's the villain. He is def NOT HERE FOR THE RIGHT REASONS (yeah, I cannot believe I just typed that with a serious face) and I need him to go. He is just too much and instead of making friends in the house, he's judging them. I know these guys aren't on this show to make friends, but dude, be nice. Your relationships with the men in the house will get fed back to Becca. The only solace I take with him is that it appears he'll be on a two-on-one date, and I'm hoping Becca is gonna dump ? his ? ass ?
  • Colton: This boy. I was not expecting him to stir up some drama, first with the season reel revealing that he's a virgin, then the Tia debacle. I still like him, and I think he's here for Becca but it's a little questionable that he's had some sketchy past. I see why Becca was upset about the whole Tia debacle and I'm waiting to see how Colton handles seeing Tia. So I'm keeping my eye on this boy, he may be bumped back up but we shall see. 
  • Chris R.: He's only here because I think Becca likes him a lot but I do not and I cannot put him in "Boys you should be excited about." Don't like him, don't think he's here for Becca.  
  • Wills R.: OK this boy was not even on my radar and he goes and wins the group date rose. Let's watch this boy because he could surprise us all. 

The guys who will break badass Becca's heart

  • Garrett: This one's a puzzler but I really think he's going to break her heart. He won the first-impression rose, and I think it's because he reminded Becca so much of her departed dad. I would like to say he's the front-runner, but HuffPost first reported on Monday he had engaged in shady stuff on Instagram. TL;DR: His insta account (which is now shut down and wasn't verified) reportedly liked posts mocking immigrants and calling Parkland students "crisis actors". According to HuffPost, ABC has yet to comment. But the most notable thing, Bachelorette-wise, is that Garrett is gone from the later half of the season highlight reel and appears missing after Becca is seen sobbing over something someone did. My guess is the dude is not who we think he is, and he's missing because he gets kicked off. So keep an eye on him. Update: Garrett has admitted it was indeed his account and has issued a "formal" apology on his new Instagram. So who knows? ̄\_(ツ)_/ ̄

I'll keep updating as I watch more, and the drama continues. I know my predictions will change, but let me know who you think makes it to the end. Tweet me with your predictions, @alexandraable.

How to watch The Bachelorette: The best show on TV is back for another season, and here's how and when to follow along.

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