Refugees on Manus Island say the drawdown of Australian-funded medical services forced them to call doctors in Australia for emergency care when one of them was stabbed repeatedly with a screwdriver during an armed robbery.
Key points:
- Current medical service provider due to leave island at the end of the month
- Levels of treatment already "unacceptably low", senator says
- Australian authorities say "support will continue into the future"
Emergency doctor David Berger received the distress call late on April 8.
"We got reports that a man had been mugged for his mobile phone by local people with a screwdriver, and that he'd been bashed in the face and got stab wounds to the upper chest and the neck," he said.
The refugee had been given basic treatment in the hospital on Manus Island and discharged, but Dr Berger — who is part of the group Doctors for Refugees — said he started to have breathing difficulties when he returned to the accommodation compound.
"There was a high possibility that this man had a potentially life-threatening condition of tension pneumothorax or internal bleeding," he said.
"So this man needed to be assessed but it did not seem that a reassessment was possible, because allegedly the guards in the transit centre were not allowing him to go back to the hospital."
Dr Berger gave advice over the phone to the man's friends, who cared for him until the following morning.
Now he says the level of emergency care available to asylum seekers is grossly inadequate, and could lead to more deaths on the island.
"The scene is set for more acute medical catastrophes, and it's inevitable that that's going to happen because there is not adequate care for these men," he said.

'Unacceptably low levels' of healthcare to decline further
Asylum seekers say medical services have been scaled down since they were forcibly removed from the Manus Island detention centre late last year.
The medical service provider which runs the remaining clinic, IHMS, is due to leave the island when its contract expires at the end of the month.
Greens senator Nick McKim said that meant the more than 600 asylum seekers on Manus would not receive proper care.
"There are a number of the Manus men who have very high levels of need — they have very serious health conditions — and they're already not receiving adequate treatment and support for those conditions," he said.
"So when IHMS pull out of Manus Island in April, the level of support and healthcare that's being provided to those men will decline further from the already unacceptably low levels that they're receiving today."
The Australian Government used to coordinate services for the men on Manus Island, but stepped back its involvement after the closure of the detention centre.

"[Home Affairs Minister] Peter Dutton is in the process of washing his hands of responsibility for the men on Manus Island and ultimately my fear is that Peter Dutton is going to novate responsibility for the men on Manus over to the Papua New Guinean Government, which will result in a significant decline in the level of health care they receive," Senator McKim said.
The Department of Immigration and Border Protection provided a statement in response to the concerns about the level of medical care.
"Australia has provided significant funding and support for health services in Manus Province and Port Moresby over a number of years," it said.
"This support will continue into the future."
Topics: refugees, foreign-aid, healthcare-facilities, papua-new-guinea
First posted